Page 52 of Touched By Darkness

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I’ve never felt like this. Like I belong somewhere. Turns out I belong with them.



Cocking my head, I study Ren’s empty face as he puts the bag in the trunk. Hands circle my waist, and Apollo’s warmth seeps into me. He presses a kiss to the top of my head, and I hum as I lean back against his muscular chest. The sun pours its light down on the porch, making every inch too dangerous for Donatello to approach.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Apollo says, and I more feel the vibration than hear his murmur.

“Do you even have a penny?” I tease, reaching behind me at his pocket. No coins, but I find myself something more interesting. I keep palming his length until he groans against me, shoving his hips against mine.

“No pennies, but I can pay in other ways.”

I chuckle, whirling around in his hold to brush our lips together. “Interesting idea. And here I was just wondering if Ren is being forced to tag along.”

The movement behind me halts. “What?” Ren voices, an edge of offense on his voice. “I’m not being forced!”

It takes me a while of squirming in Apollo’s hold, but he allows me to whirl back around to face Ren. “Just saying. You live here, and you have your own stuff going on. I don’t want you to stick with us if you’re not a hundred percent in. Besides...” I watch Ren coming closer, climbing the porch. “You’re about to become a criminal by following me.”

He stops a foot from me. “Oh, yeah. Donnie mentioned you killed the first Light Mage in centuries.” He smiles, humor taking his face.

I narrow my eyes at him, hoping I seem threatening but doubting I do. The man stands a head taller than me, and I’m locked in Apollo’s arms. Hard to come out as a badass like this. “Do you think that’s funny? Someone died. I became a murderer. Besides,Donnie?”

Ren waves a hand in dismissal. “Welcome to the club, sugar. People fuck up. We kill, and we rob, and we cheat. If you ever find someone who says differently, they’re lying.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Have you ever killed someone?”

From the smile on his face, one would expect him to say no. “Yeah. That’s shifter life.”

A shiver of dread races down my spine. I crane my neck to gape at Apollo. “You?”

“Just like the pup said,” Apollo says with an amused expression. “Shifter life makes killing usual. Each pack or clan has its own rules. Some are more violent than others. Dispute is a real thing.”

I swallow hard. The supernatural world brings me mixed feelings. No place has ever brought me as much wonder as Hiram did. The light and the sound in the vampire city, and how vivacious it is, like something humming beneath my feet. At the same time, I know things aren’t always pretty.

In the human world, this is not ordinary. Murder stains you, even when accidental, even in self-defense. It marks you like a scarlet letter to your chest, a sin you forever carry. And among the people I lived with, no one ever talked about committing mistakes like this. People pretend they never do wrong, and whoever does is frowned upon.

Can I belong in a world that sees mistakes as something natural?

“Don’t worry too much,” Ren whispers, and just now, I notice how close he is. He and Apollo sandwich me, which I don’t mind at all. My dirty mind is squealing. “I’m following you wherever you go. This whole thing with the Chosen One means nothing.”

I twist my mouth at him. “But this is not the only thing, remember? I have a weird-ass power. It might hurt you.”

He shrugs, stepping away with a smirk. “I’m strong. You can be mean if you want to.”

My body warms, and I watch him approach the car with a smug smile on my face. Hell, does this hot guy really want me? Isn’t this whole thing my imagination? Maybe I’m having a really long acid trip.

“Everyone ready?” Donatello’s voice sounds from behind us. I gaze over Apollo’s shoulder to meet his gaze and almost jump out of my skin with the sight.

“What the hell?” I hiss, wincing before a chuckle rips up my throat. Donatello has draped a sheet around his head and neck in a head wrap. Only his eyes are visible. “What are you wearing?”

Apollo looks over his shoulder and winces in surprise too. “Fucking hell, don’t tell me you’re stealing a sheet from my clan.”

Donatello shrugs, and the sheet moves with his action. “Wanna lend me your shirt?” He stares at Apollo as the shifter glares back at him. “Thought so.”

“I can lend you mine,” Ren calls from the car, already unbuttoning his flannel shirt.

Donatello waves him off. “No need, pup. Keep it on. These sheets will do the job.”

Tags: Taylor Fox Paranormal