Page 64 of Shattered Oath

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I’m playing a game here. A game with the ultimate stakes. My life. Chloe’s life. My sister and niece’s life. I wish the Don had come to the meeting in person.

His paranoia is what’s kept him safe all these years. That and my talents at spotting danger.

“Where’s my necklace?” he asks.

“Did Walter mention his piece of shit son gave it to her as a gift?”

The Don sighs, shaking his head slowly. “No, he didn’t mention that. Just told me you’d kicked the shit out of him and scared his son half to death.”

“I’ll have the necklace by the morning. Would have done it sooner if I didn’t get called back here for a conversation we could have had over the phone.”

He smiles, taking another drag on his cigar. “You know how I feel about phones. What about the box?”

“Got it right here.”

“Put it on the table.”

I reach into my jacket and bring it out. I hear Tommy and Pierro shift behind me like they think I might be going for my gun.

Small, battered steel with flecks of dirt still sticking in the grooves.

“Seal in place?” the Don asks.

I turn the box so it’s facing the camera on top of the TV. “Good,” he continues, nodding his approval. “I want you to do something for me, Enzo.”

“Get the necklace, I know.”

“Bring me the head that the necklace is wrapped around.”

I feel my blood run cold. I knew it was likely to end this way but getting the confirmation does not feel good. “You want Chloe dead?”

“First name terms, that’s sweet. Yes, I want her dead.”

“Why? Once you’ve got the necklace, she’s no risk to you.”

He jabs the cigar toward the screen like he’s trying to burn my face with it. “That’s where you’re dead wrong, Enzo. She’s a big fucking risk. She’s the last connection to the past. Get rid of her and no one knows a thing about what happened back then.”

“I know,” I tell him, knowing the risk I’m taking in reminding him of the fact.

“Which is why I want to make you a deal.”

“What deal?”

“I’ll tell you. That box is the key to me getting into politics. I become a senator and that means the famiglia needs a new Don, doesn’t it?”

“If you say so. Anyone in mind?”

“I’m looking at him, right now.”

I say nothing.

He’s smiling like he thinks I’m already picturing myself in his shoes. “You bring me Chloe’s head with the necklace stuck in the bloody oozing stump of her gristly severed spinal column and the job is yours.”

“And if I refuse?”

He laughs again, putting his cigar down and beckoning to someone off-camera.

He brings someone into shot. It’s my sister. She’s got a gag over her mouth but she’s cursing like hell through it, I can tell.

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance