Page 11 of Twisted Sinner

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“Don’t you need my address?”

“Already have it.”

“What? How?”

“Mr. Felici spoke with the cleaning agency that hired you. They gave us your address.”

“Wow, bit creepy.” I sit up straighter. “Hang on. I don’t work for the agency.”

“Your roommate does and once we had her details, we were able to trace your address easily enough. Her cellphone triangulates most often with your own in a particular apartment building not far from here.”

“You realize how stalky that sounds, right?”

“If you are laissez faire with your personal security, that is not a fault on our part.”

“How would you like it if I just found out your address? Or your boss’s?”

“Good luck finding mine when I haven’t given you my name. As for Mr. Felici’s. His is a matter of public record.”

“Who the hell is he? Why can he do things like find out my address?”

“You don’t know?” He sounds genuinely surprised. “Never heard of him before?”

“Should I have?”

“I’ve never met anyone who didn’t know who he was. I’m Rocky by the way. Rocky Dyer. Not that it matters.”

“Why’s that?”

“We’re leaving the country this evening. I doubt you’ll see either of us again.”

I try not to feel disappointed. The likelihood of me bumping into Mr. Felici again was always going to be slim but if he’s moving out of the States, the odds just went from small to non-existent.

Something occurs to me. It all clicks into place at once. The F on all the fittings. The name of the building. The fact he had a driver waiting at the entrance for me. “Did he own that building?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“That is one of the buildings his family owns.”

“He’s rich then.”

“Very and he’s clearly interested in you.”

“What? Me? Why?”

“Because he doesn’t let anyone use his personal car. None of his women have ever been allowed in this vehicle.”

“His women? Has he got many then?”

“None at the moment.”

“But you just said his women.”

He laughs. “I mean his one night stands. That’s all he ever has. One woman, one night. Then it’s good night, Vienna. What did you do to warrant getting use of his car? Made him a particularly juicy offer?”

I shake my head. “I’ve no idea. Maybe he felt bad because I got trapped in his elevator.”

“You did what?”

“I was trying to get it to go to the basement but it got stuck between floors. He came and got me out. Will you thank him for me. I was hyperventilating so much, I’m not sure I even thanked him.”

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance