Page 8 of Ravaged Bride

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“Who was that talking to you?”

“Georgio Verdi,” I reply.

“Before him. The woman.”

“You saw her, then?”

“How could I miss her? Real beauty. Ash blonde hair, black dress, little handbag over her right shoulder. Looked at you like she wanted your babies.”

“Did she indeed?”

“Hell, that’s how all the women look at you. I don’t know how you do it, Ricardo.”

“They smell my money.”

I lead the way outside. A sleek black car is waiting for us at the curb. “I think I shall walk the rest of the way,” I tell the driver, looking up at the skies, the sun trying to break through the clouds above my head. “It is not far to church from here.”

He nods, turning to face the front.

Albert furrows his brow. “I go all the way to getting you a replacement car and you decide to walk?”

“I feel like walking.”

“Think Carlo might have done something to this one?”

“Wouldn’t put it past him. How long’s he worked for us?”

“Eight years now.”

“To throw it all away because Don Colombo tempted him. Did we not pay him enough?”

“We pay him plenty. He’s greedy that’s all.”

“Shame. He told amusing stories sometimes.”

“I can call off the hit.”

“What kind of message would that send out? The hit goes ahead. Hopefully, Don Colombo will get the message.”

“What about the other mole?”

“Like I said. He’ll surface sooner or later.”

“I hope so.”

I tap him on the shoulder. “Do not let it trouble you. Fate deals us these hands for a reason.” I think of the woman I met on the train. “Perhaps the car was meant to break down so I would take the train. Perhaps there was a hit waiting for me if we drove here. Perhaps I am meant to walk to the church. You never trust your instincts?”

“Not if they mean walking the streets like this? You know me, I’m happy with the books and the figures. You want a bodyguard, you should have brought Diego with you.”

“I don’t need an enforcer at a funeral. You take the car if you wish to live a coward’s life. I will see you at the church.”

“Nah, I’ll walk with you. I can shoot straighter than you.”

“You haven’t fired a gun in years, Albert.”

“Nor have you and that’s my point. You need me around to keep you safe.”

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance