Page 8 of Savage Beauty

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Not with this man. I don’t even know his name but I do know how good he is in bed.

It’s happened so fast I haven’t had time to think whether or not this is a good idea. From getting into his house to this seems to have taken no time at all.

What am I even doing here? I could get killed and no one would ever know what happened to me.


A killer wouldn’t live in a house like this. It’s too clean. Too tidy. Too suburban.

Not the kind of house I thought he would have with a suit that expensive and his own driver to cart him about places.

I look down at him, not sure if I’m dreaming. Does anything this good ever happen in reality? A smoking hot handsome guy just strips you naked and starts worshiping your body?

I never could have imagined sneaking out would lead to this. But then, what was I hoping from tonight? One drink and home? Yeah, right. I want this. I just never thought it would happen.

Not like this, anyway.

His tongue is in just the right place and it’s the most wonderful feeling I could ever have imagined. So different to the things I do with my hand, a very different sensation. So much better. Stronger, more powerful, like him.

He’s expertly flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth over my clit. I’m getting close to coming and it seems like it’s only been a minute or two since he began stripping me.

I close my eyes, seeing him naked inside my mind, remembering how he looked as he walked toward the bed, his cock swaying slightly in front of him. I took in his tattoos, his scars, his muscles, his tanned skin, his burning eyes. The whole thing screamed dangerous but I didn’t care. All I cared about was that this means I win. I get revenge on my parents.

They’ve made it perfectly clear. I have to remain pure for my future husband. I’m not to be sullied by any random men. That was part of their reason for keeping me in the compound, only letting out for school each day. When high school ended, no college for me. They didn’t want me too educated, thought I might get too many ideas about things other than motherhood. It’s why I’m so jealous Cara might go to college.

I can still think for myself, though.

I came up with this idea on the way over here. If I can have sex with him, then maybe I won’t have to get married to whichever asshole they choose.

I’ll be ruined. Damaged goods. Broken. Maybe I’ll be cast out, exiled from the family. Sure, I’ll be broke, but at least I’ll be free to live my own life. Shame I’ve no idea what I want my life to be.

I’m hoping this guy has got sex planned tonight. I’m hoping he’s not just going to go down on me and then send me packing. I haven’t actually asked him but how do you ask that without sounding like a dumb kid?

I shake my head. I need to stop thinking about all this and try to enjoy the moment instead. That should be easy as my thoughts are already starting to melt away, leaving me with just the sensations rushing through me.

He keeps licking me, sliding a finger inside when I’m on the edge. It takes moments after his finger is inside for me to tip over into an orgasm so intense I think I’m going to pass out.

My whole body shakes. My soul trembles with delight. I’ve never had a climax this strong before. It feels like it could go on forever. All I can do is let the power of it flow through me until I gradually come back to the world.

When I open my eyes, he’s there above me. He leans down and kisses me softly, his body pressing down on mine. I’m crushed by his bulk but in a way that’s comforting. The scent of him is stronger now he’s naked and it makes me feel more feminine. How is that happening? Why am I reacting to him so much?

My body is still recovering from my climax when he reaches between us, taking hold of his cock and holding it just above my pussy. “Once I do this,” he says. “You’re mine. Understand?”

“I’m yours,” I reply, reaching up and kissing him greedily. I know it’s bullshit, something he probably says to every woman.

I don’t feel tense. I feel completely relaxed. Even as he strokes his way along my folds with the tip of his obscenely large cock, I don’t tense up. Something about this guy is comforting. I know, despite how he looks, that he would never hurt me. Don’t ask me how I know but I do.

There was this dog that my father brought home when I was about eight. Supposed to be a guard dog. Big, brutal looking thing. Mario, his name was. I took one look at that dog and I felt the same I do now.You might look dangerous but I know you won’t hurt me. You’ll protect me.

Mario is still my favorite dog at the compound. Luigi came along a few months later. A second attempt. He was just as soft with me.

Cara says I clearly have a way of making rough things smooth out. Shame I could never do it to my father.

Am I doing it with this stranger? Am I making him softer than he was? I don’t know him outside of tonight but it doesn’t take a genius to guess he’s dangerous.

I saw the gun in the shoulder holster when he undressed. Who takes a gun to a nightclub other than a dangerous man? He’s either a criminal or a lawmaker. I’m not sure which would be worse.

It doesn’t matter. It’s one night. That’s what we agreed. Only I don’t want one night anymore. I want a lot more than that.

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance