Page 35 of Savage Beauty

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It’s all coming together. I have the gun Reggie made for me. It’s stowed in my handbag, ready for use. It only takes one bullet but that should be all I need. It’s tiny, ceramic, and deadly.

I try not to think about the conversation I had with reggie when I went to collect. Can I kill someone? Can I get close enough to do it? Can I watch a man die? Can I take a life?

I only have to think about what Nico did to Mario and Luigi to know I can do this.

I’m cramming sheets into the machine in front of me. Steam is rising around me but I’m getting used to that. I’ve been working in the laundry for two weeks now and the heat doesn’t bother me anymore. I’m hoping the steam is good for my skin.

I’ve had no zits since I started here. Maybe my skin’s clearing up. I used to get them all the time, had to hide them behind concealer but I always felt people could tell they were there. Luca always mentioned them, called me crater face, real original, I know.

I never managed to get a job at The Red Room. I tried but they had no vacancies and weren’t interested in creating one for me.

So, I looked elsewhere. It didn’t take long. This laundry is owned by the Casella famiglia. They don’t even hide the fact. All the paperwork has their name on it. Their name above the door.

I’m guessing they use it for money laundering as I’ve seen no evidence of anything illegal going on here. Not even a secret set of steps down into a meth lab where a fly keeps pestering everyone.

I’ve asked if Nico ever comes here but no one is willing to tell me anything. The slightest mention of his name and all conversation dries up.

I’ve had to give up asking. I was starting to get a reputation for myself. The last thing I want is word rippling upward that some crazy lady is asking about Nico Casella.

I’m still hopeful that he might show up here one day but there’s been no sign of him so far. The few people willing to talk have told me he never comes here. No one from the family ever comes here. They, no doubt, just funnel money through this place. Like the sheets. Goes in dirty and comes out squeaky clean, smelling as fresh as the summer breeze.

The manager is walking over to me as I pause to rub my aching back. Caroline Austero. She’s been all right so far. No yelling or docking anyone’s pay. That’ll do me. She’s looked harassed today though. “Ellie,” she says as she reaches me. “You busy?”

I look at her and wonder if she can tell I made up my new name. Or maybe she does know and she doesn’t care. Maybe everyone here has a new name. Maybe we’re all trying to erase our pasts the same way we take the stains out of the laundry. Hell, maybe that’s why we work here.

“What can I do for you?” I ask, running my hand along the sheets in front of me, straightening the edges. “Something up?”

She nods. “I’ve got a suit I forgot to take to the big house and I can’t go now. We’ve got the auditor in the office and I can’t get out of here until he’s done. Any chance you could run it up there for me?”

“Sure but what’s the big house?”

“Sorry, that’s what we call the Casella mansion. Do you know it?”

“I think I’ve heard of it.” I think of the gun in my handbag. Is this my chance?

“Great. The suit’s in the back of the van. It was supposed to be there this morning but I forgot. Kelly was sick and I left it in the van. It needs to be there now. Nico’s expecting it. Can you run over?”

“Is the van open?”

“Take my keys. I’ve got to get back to the auditor. I swear he’s going through the books like we’ve got something to hide. Just hand the suit over at the door and get back here as soon as you can.”

I take the set of keys from her and head out to the parking lot, retrieving my handbag on the way. Her van’s in the nearest slot. It sparkles in the sun, looking a lot newer than my battered ancient Ford sitting further down. Even if there’s a metal detector, it won’t pick up the ceramic.

I climb into the driver’s seat and check my handbag. The gun’s right there. A single shot, poised ready to use.

I’m only supposed to hand the suit over at the door. I need to think of a way to get inside. I’ll have to bluff my way in. I’ll think of something when I get there.

Caroline’s baseball cap is on the passenger seat. I put it on, pushing my ponytail through the gap at the back. I’ll keep it low, make sure my face is as hidden as I can get it. I find a pair of sunglasses which help hide my features. I don’t want to risk anyone recognizing me.

I get in. I find Nico. I kill him. I get out. Simple. In an hour I’ll be back at work and no one will know what happened. The thought makes me smile a grim smile.

I’ll have my vengeance for what he did to my family and my dogs. The horses too. Burning down the house. So many reasons to get revenge but the dogs are the most important. They didn’t deserve what happened to them. What he did to them.

Six months since I saw him. Six months of thinking about what he did.

Reggie asked, “Can you shoot a man while he looks you in the eyes?”

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance