Page 13 of Savage Beauty

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“A couple of drinks?” He shakes his head. “You are nineteen. It isn’t even legal for you to drink.”

I could laugh. His entire empire is built on things that aren’t legal but now he’s on the side of the law? “Nothing bad happened,” I say. “I don’t know why it even matters so much. Why can’t I go out once in a while?”

He gets up from behind his desk, walking around to stand in front of me. He raises his hand, smacking me across the face. The sound is loud, a whip crack that echoes around the room as my ears start singing.

“You will never leave this compound again,” he says, still sounding tired rather than angry. “You will be locked in your room with the window boarded shut if you so much as complain about the amount of sugar in your coffee in the mornings.”

He smacks me a second time, on the other cheek.

“Those dogs you love so much? I’ll have them skinned and turned into rugs for the staff toilet.” He points a finger at me as I do my best not to cry. “Your lot in life is to marry who we choose and provide the next generation of this family. That’s an honor, if you haven’t realized it yet. You keep the family name going yet you keep up this pointless rebellion like it will get you anywhere.”

He smiles coldly at me. “I know what you’re thinking. You will do this again. You will sneak out of here. Your cousin, Cara? The one who encourages you. The one you were so certain was going to go to college? The one you look up to so much. You want to know what I’ve done with her?”

“What?” I ask, my heart sinking. If he’s found out about our conversations, what else does he know about?

“She’s on a flight to Italy as we speak. She will work as a farmhand in the old country and she will spend the rest of her life shoveling shit because of you.”

He grins, showing his yellowed teeth. “This is what you get for trying to go behind my back, Aurora. You get those you care about and you break them. You should learn to be obedient. It will save other people a lot of pain. Your life is in here with your family, not out there. You will get married and you will smile at your husband when you say, I do. Got it? You are good and pure and you will forget last night ever happened.”

I want to keep my mouth shut but I can’t resist. His shot about Cara and the dogs has made me too angry to resist. “I fucked someone last night,” I tell him. “I’m not a virgin anymore, father.”

He shrugs. “That’s what this was all about? You think that’s a shock? Pietro already told me you were at a man’s house all last night. You think I give a shit about that?” He scratches his forehead as he returns to his seat. “You think that means you won’t have to get married?” He chuckles slightly. “You really are a fool, Aurora. What you are doesn’t matter to me. What matters is what you can do for me. You can connect me to another family. You can cement an alliance.”

He runs his eyes along the bookcase for a brief moment before turning back to me. “You will never mention what happened last night. Say a word to anyone and I will kill the man who took your innocence. I won’t just kill him either. I will rip off his cock and stuff it down his throat in front of you. Remember that when you think about boasting of your experience. Your husband will not never need to know what foolish activity you carried out last night.”

He thinks for a moment before continuing. “Seeing as you act like an animal, rutting all night, you can live like an animal for a week. You will sleep in the stables until I give permission for you to return to the house. Now, get out. I’m sick of the sight of you.”

He waves a hand at me like I’m a fired servant, not his only daughter.

I turn and walk out of the study, closing the door behind me. My plan didn’t work. I’m still going to be married off.

I manage to get outside before I start crying. And when the tears do start to fall, I get a horrible feeling they might never stop.



* * *

By the time I get to my car to give chase, they’re long gone.

Who is she? Why would someone come and snatch her from right outside my house? I can guess. Someone with earrings that expensive. She’s rich. From a rich family. My guess is that they had her car or her cellphone tracked. Came to the house and waited outside. Maybe they know my reputation. That would explain why they didn’t break in to get her. Or maybe they don’t want to break the law, just keep her under control.

I’m guessing she’s not supposed to be wandering on her own at night. Kept under close control. Her bodyguards probably fucked up or she gave them the slip. Either way, someone came to tidy up and they managed to get away with her.

How to track her down? There must be a way.

I’m confident I’ll find her. I can find anyone, given enough time.

I know I said one night but I regret that decision already. I miss the taste of her. I miss the sound of her moans, the noise she makes when she reaches climax.

Then there’s the fact that I didn’t use protection last night. Which was really fucking stupid. I always wear a condom. With the amount of women I’ve slept with, it’s the only sensible thing to do. So why didn’t I do it with her? I didn’t even mention it.

I can’t blame her. She’s no experience at all. This was on me. What if I’ve gotten her pregnant?

I need to find her. If for no other reason, I need to discuss what happens if she’s carrying my child.

I hate the fact she’s gone. Normally, the next morning, I’m glad when they leave. I get to go back to my peaceful single existence. This morning, I feel like a part of me has been taken which is dumb. She’s just a woman. One more notch on the bedpost.

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance