Page 46 of Illicit Ire

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There’d been a lot of activity since they returned from The Cities. Bikers were everywhere I turned. If I were anywhere else, I’d unravel within seconds out of sheer fear.

I was glad Drew had brought me around so I’d get to know his MC brothers. They treated me with respect and most likely knew my history. It was fine, so long as they didn’t bring it up. Then it would be awkward.

“How’s Ire?” Wolf asked. He kept his distance from me but made an effort to ask about Drew when he saw me.

I felt horrible for kicking him, really terrible. Thankfully, no one had given me crap about it. I had to admit, I’d surprised myself. When faced with a potential attacker, I didn’t cower away. Well, I almost had, before I’d found my fight. I owed Drew everything for his patience, constant praise, and encouragement. He’d believed in me when I hadn’t.

I needed him to come back to me.

“Good. He’s sleeping right now.” I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt.

Wolf took a sandwich off a tray on the island. “He’s a lucky man to have you by his side.” He winked, then darted out of the kitchen.

I whirled around, hearing Karma’s distinctive I’m-pissed-at-you voice.

“Will you just leave me alone? I’m so tired of this, Abe.” She saw me and rolled her eyes. “This guy is a pain in my ass.”

Cobra growled. “And you’re a pain in my ass.”

She turned on him and he froze. “Oh, really? Then why in the hell do you follow me around every chance you get? I can’t even believe we’re discussing this in front of someone.”

“I don’t care who hears us. You only seem to talk to me when someone else is around. I’ll take what I can get, although the goddamn truth would be fucking fantastic.”

Karma threw her hands in the air, exasperated. “What do you want to know? Ask away, and I’ll answer, then I never want to speak to you again.”

Yikes. I didn’t want to be here for this. I sensed it was about to get ugly.

“Who’s Nova’s father?”

The color in Karma’s face drained.

“We have visitors,” Storm barked as he passed through the kitchen. “Let’s go, Cobra.”

Karma and Cobra stared at each other for a long beat. She didn’t answer his question, and he looked madder than a hornet.

“This isn’t over,” he growled, lowering his face closer to hers.

I held my breath, waiting for them to kiss. I imagined it would be angry kissing. I’d bet those two would be electrifying if they’d give in to each other. Correction: if she would give into him. Cobra didn’t hide his feelings for Karma. Whatever their history was, it seemed like he hadn’t moved past it. But then, she seemed to hold on to it with a death grip.

“Get gone,Cobra. Your cousin needs you.”

Oh damn, Karma was a badass.

Cobra snarled. “You don’t have to be a bitch all the time, y’know?”

Whoa. Drew would never call me a bitch, but the way Cobra said it all growly and in her face was sort of hot.

“Yes, I do.” She pushed past him.

My goodness, the tension between these two was through the roof.

“I don’t know why I bother with you, woman.” Cobra stormed out of the kitchen.

“Neither do I, asshole!”

Okay, wow.Can we saysecondary embarrassment?I wished I hadn’t been present for that… lover’s quarrel?

“I swear, that man is the bane of my existence. He never stops. Won’t give up. Why won’t he give up?” Karma dropped into a chair and grabbed a handful of potato chips.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance