Page 70 of Defiant Dodge

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“Don’t do that to yourself. We should be secure at the club.”

“I’d only wanted to talk to your dad. Clear the air with him and ask for his blessing.” He kissed my finger again. “I knew it would mean a lot to you after… everything.”

“He apologized to me. He finally sees what a good man you are.”

He smirked. “Even though I’m a biker?”

“You say biker like it’s a dirty word. Some of the best men I know are bikers. The man I adore and love with my whole heart is a biker.”

He stared at me, love pouring out of his brown depths. “You and Little D are my whole world. I can’t wait to marry you.”

“I can’t wait to be Mrs. Daniel Montez.”

We leaned in, sealing our lips above our baby boy.

This. Them. I couldn’t ask for anything more.



The day marked the first of the rest of Emilee’s and my lives as husband and wife. I could hardly draw in a breath, my lungs tight with emotion as I stared in awe at my beautiful woman walking toward me.

Emilee looked stunning in her wedding gown, pure and sweet like the day I first talked to her. Before then, I’d admired her from afar for over a year, having known she was forbidden.

The first smile she gave me, I knew I was doomed.

Our first kiss had sealed my heart.

The first time I’d made love to her, I had been prepared to betray her father’s wishes. Emilee was meant to be mine. When I lost her, it stripped me raw. It shattered my soul and destroyed the weak little boy who’d lived inside me.

Gone was the kid who had been teased relentlessly at school for being skinny and beaten for the hell of it by his mom and her latest boyfriend.

Gone was the kid who took what he was given and never asked for anything.

Gone was the kid who feared the wind.

Losing Emilee and my son made me determined to get them back. To fight for them. The person I used to be would’ve never done that. Before Emilee, I’d stayed in line, never rocked the boat and obeyed everyone.

Not anymore. I was my own man.

Husband and father.

Fuck with me and mine, and I’d fuck you up.

“Who gives this woman away?” Patch asked.

Justin cleared his throat, staring at Emilee. “I love you, Emmy.” He kissed her cheek, then turned toward me. “Don’t disappoint me.”

“Never,” I replied.

Justin joined my and Emilee’s hands together. “I give her away to this fine, loyal biker.”

Relief swelled in my chest. I hadn’t thought he’d be an ass and ruin our wedding, but sometimes people surprised me.

An hour later, the reception was in full swing. Smiling faces were everywhere in the backyard. It was a perfect August day. Hard to believe it had only been four weeks since Emilee and Dante had come back to me. It felt like they’d always been here.

“I’m so happy.” She laid her head on my shoulder.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance