Page 94 of Brutal Boxer

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I loved hearing him call me Snow again. Just as he wanted me to call him Z when we were alone together.

“I want to see him.” I braced for blowback. We’d talked about it this morning before we left the hotel. Zach didn’t want me anywhere near Casso. I wanted retribution for what he’d done to me. I needed to look the Devil in the eyes and see the life drain out of him so I knew he couldn’t hurt me again.

Zach probably thought I’d lost my mind. But I hadn’t. Being held against my will hardened me. For far too long, I wasn’t able to fight back. Now I was in a position where I could.

“I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I know, but I’m telling you I need this.” I wasn’t sure what I’d do when I saw Casso. I only knew that I needed to.

“Storm won’t like it. None of the women have been in the dungeon.” He slowed the Jeep in front of the compound. “Son of a bitch,” Zach hissed.

My eyes went wide, mouth gaping. A large section of the gate was missing and the guard shack had been blown to pieces. The surrounding area looked like a battlefield.

“I thought Storm said it wasn’t bad.”

“He did.” Zach pulled onto the property. “He better not have been lying to me.”

There were a lot of cars. More than I’d seen the last time I was here. A few were damaged next to the Quonset, which had a section blown out.

We jumped out of the car, meeting up at the entrance to the clubhouse. Zach took my hand as we rushed inside. He went straight for the bar where we could hear music playing, but it wasn’t as loud as usual.

I spotted a few kittens and Lynx right away. Then Hero and Tara as Zach led me to their table.

“What the hell happened?” Zach shouted at Hero.

“Sit down and have a drink,” Hero raised his hand, waving at Copper behind the bar.

Zach dropped into a chair. I went to take the one beside him, but he shook his head and tugged me onto his lap. He whispered in my ear, “Your place is on my lap.”

My gaze flitted around to Tara, who wasn’t on Hero’s lap. Rather than argue with Zach, I just kept quiet. He was right. I needed the connection to him.

I jumped when someone touched my shoulder.

“Oh, I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Tina smiled and hugged me. “How are you?”

“A little freaked out by the state of things here.”

She made a sad face. “It wasn’t as bad as it looks. A little scary but no serious injuries, thank goodness.” Her eyes teared up. “I’m so sorry about Jill.”

I rubbed the base of Zach’s neck, knowing he’d heard Tina as he talked to Hero.

“Thank you. We appreciate it.” Now that we were back, the club would have a funeral for Jill. Zach said there was a spot behind the clubhouse at a pond where they released the ashes of the fallen.

“I need to check on supper. I just wanted to say hi.”

“Do you need help?” At my offer, Zach’s arm wrapped around my waist as if saying, stay here.

“We’ve got it, honey.” Tina smiled, darting away.

I looked at Tara and smiled softly. We sat there quietly, listening to our men talk.

“I can’t believe he didn’t tell me he was shot,” Zach growled, tossing back his whiskey.

“He knew you’d freak out. You know Storm is stubborn as fuck. It was just in the shoulder. He’s fine,” Hero gulped his beer.

“Who else was injured?” Zach shook his head. “I should’ve been here to fight.”

I stiffened when Libby entered. She seemed to hesitate before making her way to Tara’s side.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance