Page 70 of Brutal Boxer

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Jill whimpered at the door, “Please, let me in?”

Wolf muttered something, but I couldn’t make it out. “Take all the time you need, brother,” came next in a severe tone.

It was quiet.

Only our breathing mingled between us. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Our bodies were so close, I wanted Zach’s strong arms to hold me. He was different with a beard, strong eyebrows, and hard lines on his face. Handsome as always, maybe even more so now as a mature man.

I felt awful for hurting him, for hating him, just as he hated me. My mind struggled to process how none of it had been necessary. We’d both been wrong. Misled by Jill. I couldn’t draw in a full breath, my chest aching, too overcome with anguish.

How could Jill do this to me… to us? I placed my hand on my stomach, feeling faint. Maybe I was in shock.

He ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “I’ve wanted to taste these more than I’ve ever wanted anything else.”

“Zach, I—”

His lips descended on mine, his hulking arms wrapping around me. I melted into him, welcoming his affections as my heart sputtered. He kissed me softly. His beard rubbing my chin, his tongue curling with mine. He tasted the same as I remembered. Not minty or sweet from what he ate, but only Zach. His unique taste.

I inhaled his scent. Relished the feel of his hands on me.

Everything about him assaulted my senses, overloading my emotions. A warmth of desire moved through my body, wetting my panties.

The arousal felt glorious.

The love I’d felt for Zach rushed back as if released from the iron box I’d locked it in.

He should’ve been mine. We should’ve gotten married, had a family, and living our best life like we’d planned.

How would our lives have been different?

No heartache or hate.

No Casso Campbell.

No Libby.


My heart seized when her pretty face flashed in my head. Zach had a woman in his life.

“Stop.” I pushed him back. “This can’t happen.”



Her words stopped my heart.Can’t happen?Was she out of her mind? I’d missed the fuck out of her. Dreamed about her. Never once let her go. How dare she push me away after finding out the truth? That neither of us had ghosted the other as we thought.

I stared at her, utterly confused. “Why? Why are you pushing me away?”

Her green eyes glimmered. “Because of your…” Her voice trailed, biting her bottom lip. She looked torn up over whatever had her pushing me away.

Was it Campbell? I refused to believe she loved that animal. Perhaps too much time had passed. Was it too late for us? I wouldn’t accept it. No fucking way would I give her up. Not now. Not after finally learning the truth.

“Because of what?” I held back, shaking it out of her.

“Boxer!” Wolf pounded on the door. “Someone’s coming up the road!”

“Oh my God! He found me!”

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance