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She wasn’t thrilled about that, but they all got to stay—at a distance—while she inserted the catheter. “This will come out in the morning. You won’t feel it tonight, but it may be uncomfortable when you wake up.”

Three hours later, we welcomed Adelaide Montoya to the world. She was tiny and perfect, and I loved her from the moment the doctor plopped her, covered in goo, on my chest. After she was checked out—passed with flying colors—and got her first bath, she was brought back to our room, and Ethan was the first to scoop her up.

He stared at the tiny bundle with a look of absolute wonder. “She looks like you,” he told me. “A perfect likeness.”

Callan and Foster gathered near and studied her with that same look of amazement. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so small,” Foster said. Ethan offered the baby to him, and he took her and cradled her in the crook of his arm. He bent his head and pressed a kiss to her nose. “I would literally burn the world down for you, little girl.”

Foster offered the baby to Callan, and for all of his fear before, it was gone now. Callan took her and bounced her gently, as if he’d been doing it all his life. “We are going to have so much fun,” he told her, humming slightly. “Daddy Cal’s got a million stories to tell you—”

“That she’ll hear when she’s eighteen and not a day before,” Ethan said.

I watched them with tears slipping down my cheeks. It was the most perfect moment that I could imagine. I cleared my throat and held out my arms. “Can I have my daughter, please?”

Callan immediately brought her to me. “Addie, you have the best mother in the whole world,” he announced. “She’s completely won our hearts, but I’m sure she won’t mind sharing us with you.”

I looked down at the girl in my arms, and Ethan was right. She had my nose and the curve of my lips. “Don’t worry, Addie,” I said, running the tip of my finger down the bridge of her nose. “Those men are totally wrapped around our fingers.”

Ethan snorted. “You got that right.”

A short while later, Ethan and Foster were passed out on the room’s small loveseat, both seated with their arms crossed over their chests, and Callan was seated beside me with his head on his arms on the bed. It was just me and my girl.

“We are so lucky, little one,” I said. She opened her eyes, dark like mine, and we stared at one another. “We stumbled into a family that we didn’t even know we needed. Your daddies will make you the center of their very world, just like they did with me... and it’s the best place you could ever possibly be.”

I looked around the room and felt my heart swell. Addie squeaked, as if reprimanding me for looking away from her for even a second. I chuckled. “Mama’s here, Princess,” I said, soothing her.

“What will we call you now?” Callan asked sleepily. “If she’s our princess?”

I chuckled and nudged him with my leg. “Obviously, I’m your queen.”

He looked up at me, smiling. “Obviously.” Callan settled back onto his arms, content. I looked back down at our daughter, and I’d never felt luckier than I did in that moment, surrounded by the people who loved me and whom I loved best.



One Year Later

Walking into the round-table reading, I grinned when I saw the spot next to Adrianne conveniently left open. I wasn’t nearly as late as I thought I was going to be. There were still three more seats open besides the one meant for me. I made a beeline for it and pulled out the chair. “It’s sweet that you saved me a seat,” I said and sat down.

Adrianne gave me a look that was a mixture of exasperation and fondness—her signature expression for me. “Why do I put up with you?” she asked.

“Ooh, someone didn’t get enough sleep last night.” She wasn’t usually so snarky to start with. I normally had to get in one or two inappropriate comments for her to get there.

“Addie is teething,” she said with a sigh. “She’s been sleeping through the night so well, and now it feels like we’re right back where we were months ago.”

I let out a low whistle. “I do not envy you.”

Adrianne rolled her eyes. “Being a parent is worth some sleepless nights, you jackass.”

I put my hands up in an “unarmed”gesture. “I’m sure it is,” I said. “I’m just not... fond of not sleeping.”

She couldn’t argue that one. I knew that the lack of sleep was the hardest thing for her to deal with after she had the baby. Even with three other parents helping out, Princess Addie was a handful and a half. “How’s Foster and Ethan?”

Adrianne snorted. “They’re doing well. They’re both out on assignments today. Callan’s out in the waiting room.”

I knew that. He’d basically glared a hole in me as I came through. “He still hates me,” I said. “Almost two years of loyal friendship, and your dudeseriouslystill hates me.”

“Find a woman,” she said with a shrug. “He’ll stop thinking you want to sleep with me.”

Tags: Ajme Williams Erotic