Page 27 of Brutal Kiss

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“Well then,” Niall murmurs, his eyes skimming over my breasts and down my body. “Explore away, lass.”

I feel a shudder of nerves, worry that I won’t be able to please him or that I’ll be too clumsy or inexperienced washing over me, but that didn’t seem to bother him last night. I tell myself that it won’t bother him now. Instead, I take the opportunity to straddle his thighs, feeling my dress slide up mine as I trace the v of his chest where the top two buttons of his shirt are undone.

His hands slide up my outer thighs as I lean down to kiss him, not doing more than just stroking lightly as I caress his face with similar motions, running my fingertips over his sharp cheekbones and chiseled jaw, exploring his lips with soft, brushing kisses until I’m ready to run my tongue over his lower lip, deepening the kiss. Niall moans as my tongue slides against his, hands tightening on my thighs, but he doesn’t move to touch me more intimately, letting me go at my own pace.This is what he meant by doing things differently last night,I start to realize, seeing that he’s letting me control things, rather than passionately taking over the way he did last night. Even knowing that, I’m glad he didn’t know because last night, I’d been too full of nerves to control anything. I’dneededhim to sweep me away, to carry me off on a tide of desire so I couldn’t get caught up in my own head.

I’m still full of nervous anxiety tonight, but it’s better, knowing how good it was for him last night. Knowing I pleased him, despite my inexperience.

I trail my mouth from his to his throat, the way he’s done to me, kissing along his jaw to the spot just beneath his ear. I feel Niall stiffen beneath me when I do that, his hips jerking slightly, fingers digging into my flesh as he makes a sound deep in his throat. The reaction thrills me more than a little, and I brush my lips there again, flicking my tongue out against the soft skin.

“Christ, Gabriela,” Niall groans. “You’re going to drive me insane like that.”

“Good,” I whisper, trailing my lips further down his throat, down to his collarbone and the soft dark hair on his chest. I unbutton his shirt slowly, one at a time, kissing my way down his chest, stopping to flick my tongue over his nipple, giggling softly when I hear him curse under his breath, his hips twisting underneath me.

“You’re going to make me lose what little control I have,” he growls. A thrill runs through me at that, encouraging me as I keep kissing and unbuttoning, until his shirt is fallen open. I’ve made my way to the thin trail of hair running down from his navel, kneeling now between his spread thighs.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Niall murmurs as I kiss just above his belt, undoing it with one hand as I press the other firmly against the bulge of his hard cock in his jeans. He lets out a hiss when he feels my palm against him, even through the thick fabric.

“I know,” I say softly, getting his belt undone and reaching for the button and zipper of his fly. “I want to. I want to find out what it’s like.”

“Far be it from me to stop you,” Niall grits out from between his teeth as I get his jeans open, tugging them down his thighs as I slide my hand inside, wanting to touch him for the first time. His head tips back when my hand wraps around his cock, sliding it free, and his hands clench in the sheets as I stroke it slowly.

He looks almost agonized with pleasure as I touch him, exploring lightly with the tips of my fingers. “Does it really feel that good?” I whisper as I circle the tip with my fingers, testing the spongy texture of it, feeling the length of him, like velvet over iron, touching the pulsing veins and the soft skin beneath the tip. When I stroke him there, Niall’s mouth falls open, his hips jerking, and he lets out a shuddering gasp.

“Aye, lass. Because you want to be doing it, as much as anything else. Seeing you learn me—” he lets out another breath, moaning as I wrap my hand around him more tightly. “Seeing how much pleasure you’re taking from it, wondering what you’ll do next—” His eyes flutter closed as I stroke him from tip to base, sliding my hand loosely over him and then tighter, reaching between his thighs to run my fingers over the tight balls beneath.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask softly, and Niall’s hips thrust up, pushing his cock against my palm.

“Your mouth, lass,” he groans, his face taut with desire. “I want my cock in your sweet mouth, if you’re willing.Fuck, I need more—” His teeth clench, his body arching again as I stroke him, and I eagerly lean forward, pressing my lips to the tip of his cock.

Niall makes that hissing sound again, one of his hands going to my hair as I flick my tongue against the underside of the tip, where he liked my fingers. “Fuck, that’s good,” he moans, as I slide my lips over him, taking it in my mouth. “Such a good girl, wanting to suck my cock.”

Something about the praise, the words rolling from his lips as he touches my hair, spurs me on. It’s hard for me to take more of it at first—he’s thick, and I struggle to open my jaw, to find a way to slide down without scraping my teeth against his flesh. I nick the edge of the crown, and Niall stiffens, but his hand trails through my hair as he murmurs soft encouraging words.

“Go slow, Gabriela. Learn your way around it. I’m in no hurry. We have all night.”

I relax a little, one hand braced against his thigh and the other around the base of his cock as I settle for licking at first, running my tongue up the underside, along the sides like licking ice cream, enjoying the tease of it. Niall shifts underneath me, the sounds in his throat telling me that he’s enjoying it despite my inexperience. When I lick my way back up to the tip, I find salty wetness there, dripping down his shaft as I lick it away with a moan.

“Oh,fuck, Gabriela—” Niall groans through gritted teeth, and I feel his cock jerk between my lips. “Lick it all up; that’s a good girl—fuck.” His hand tightens in my hair, his entire body rigid as if he’s trying to keep himself still. “You don’t know how badly I want to fuck your face, sweet lass. But you’re not ready for that yet.” His hand loosens, trailing through my hair, his hips jerking as I run my tongue around the tip over and over, swirling it. I want to take more of him in my mouth, all of it, but I don’t think I can. I’d been afraid he wouldn’t enjoy himself. However, he’s twitching on the bed as if I’m driving him crazy with my tongue, and he groans aloud as I tighten my lips around him, sucking on the tip.

“Ohgod, fuck, you’re so good at that. Suck it, yes—” The words trail off as I slide down again, managing to get my lips over my teeth and take an inch or so of it this time, attempting to coordinate stroking with my hand as I suck on the tip. It feels clumsy and awkward to me, but Niall doesn’t seem to care. He’s shuddering, his hand clenching in my hair, and as I feel saliva run down the side of his cock from my mouth, I use it to stroke him, tightening my hand as I discover how to suck and rub my tongue under the tip at the same time—

“Fuck!” Niall cries out suddenly, his hips jerking upwards. “Fuck, fuck, I’m—”

His cock seems to swell in my mouth, harder than before, jerking upwards as he groans with a sound of sheer pleasure, and a sudden rush of hot, salty liquid fills my mouth and hits the back of my throat, startling me. I jerk backward, my hand convulsing around his length as some of it spills over my lips, another spurt hitting my chin before I pull back and watch in surprise as his cock jerks and shudders, spilling thick fluid over the duvet and his thighs.

I swallow convulsively without thinking, coughing as it slides down my throat, letting go of his cock in my surprise. Niall’s hand goes reflexively to it, stroking as more of the thick white cum spills from the tip, and mine goes to my mouth, wiping it away from my lips and chin as the horrified look on his face turns to one of amusement.

He laughs, and my face crumples. “I’m sorry, I—”

“No, lass—” Niall lets go of his cock, letting it fall to one side as he reaches for me. “No need to apologize, lass.”

“But—” I feel my cheeks turning red, my throat tightening, and I’m suddenly terrified that I’m going to cry. “I ruined it for you—”

“You absolutely did not,” Niall says firmly, pulling me into his arms as he rolls towards me, half undressed. “It’s my fault, lass. I should have warned you what would happen, but it came so suddenly. I thought I could hold off a little longer, but you did that thing with your tongue, and I came without meaning to. It’s a good thing, lass, but I’m sorry I startled you. I wouldn’t have made you take my cum in your mouth unless you wanted it.” He touches my face, his fingers sliding down to caress my lower lip, the hollow of my chin. “But seeing you swallow my cum, lass, seeing it on your face—it has me half-hard again already, thinking about it.”

I glance down, startled, and realize he’s telling the truth. Despite the fact that he came only seconds ago, I can see his cock swelling and lengthening against his thigh. A warm glow fills me at the knowledge that I’d turned him on so much he hadn’t been able to control his climax, that he’s already getting turned on again.

“Now,” Niall says firmly, reaching to grasp my hip and roll me onto my back. “It’s my turn to tend to you, lass.”

Tags: M. James Erotic