Page 16 of Stepbrother Stalker

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She beams at me, and that sexy, innocent smile of hers is everything.

I can't wait to get out of here and give her the best wedding night she could have ever imagined. I can't wait to see her face when she finds out where I'm taking her.

When I saw all the romance novels she likes to read and found out what a romantic she is at heart, I knew that taking her to Paris, the city of love, was the only option for our honeymoon.

Neither of us speaks a lick of French, but we'll make it. Together.

I know Charlie is taking Sharon to London, and I'm pretty sure Luke is taking Lucy to Hawaii, so we’ve got to wrap this thing up soon if we're all going to make our respective flights. Of course, Karen and our dad are both in on our honeymoon plans, so they do a great job of moving the reception along and thinning out the guests by the time we need to leave to catch our flights.

Karen gives us both a hug. “Have a great time on your honeymoon.”

Cynthia smiles and gives me a questioning look. “I'm sure I will, but Noah still hasn't told me where we're going yet.”

“It's a surprise,” I tell her for the hundredth time with a teasing grin. I know the suspense is killing her.

“He wouldn't even let me pack,” she pouts at her mom. “Even the clothes I'm taking are a secret. He packed everything, arranged everything.”

My dad gives me a wink. “The man knows what he's doing.”

I wrap an arm around Cynthia's shoulder and lead her over to the taxi. We've both already changed into more comfortable clothing for the plane ride. I can’t wait to get her on our private plane, though.

I do pretty well in security, and I've saved almost everything I've ever made since I'm not a huge spendthrift, but I'm not as rich as my billionaire brother Charlie—nor is Luke. So our big brother’s gift to all of us was a private plane. He's paying to fly Luke and Lucy to Hawaii on a private plane. He's taking his own with Sharon to London, and he's paying for one for me and my princess too.

I couldn't have asked for a better wedding gift from my brother. Having my new wife all to myself for the flight to Paris is going to be heavenly.

I hold her close to me and wine and dine her throughout the night. We break in the bed several times, consummating our vows over and over again.

Even though I haven't told her yet, it's my mission to have her pregnant by the end of this honeymoon. Seeing Cynthia's belly rounded with my child is a primal urge I can’t suppress.

“How long until we get there?” she asks me for the millionth time.

I chuckle as I pull her close to me and open the shutter to the window. I point out the window at the city below where we can see the Eiffel Tower lit up and glimmering like a diamond down below. “Can you figure out where we are?” I whisper into her ear.

She gasps as she looks out on the beautiful French landscape at nighttime. I planned it this way on purpose so her first glimpse of the city would be all lit up like this.

“Paris!” she squeals. “How did you know I always wanted to come here?”

“I know everything about you,” I breathe into her ear. “How excited are you?”

Her smile is radiant. “Ooh la la excited.”

I laugh before I cover her lips with mine.

My wife, my stepsister, myeverything.

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Tags: Emma Bray Erotic