Page 68 of Fear is the Key

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I stayedat the house after Emery left, curled up on the bed with a book, pretending the rest of the world didn’t exist for a little while. I knew the peace wouldn’t last long, but I took every second greedily until my phone rang.

“Hi, Dad.” I tried to keep my voice as level as possible.

“Avalon, where are you?” He didn’t sound upset, but it was a bit unusual for him to ask. Especially on the weekend.

“I’m over at my house.” The only time I referred to this as mine was when I was talking to Dad. I didn’t want to remind him of my mom in case it brought up any painful memories.

“Oh. I thought I heard the garage earlier, but when you didn’t come in, I assumed I was going crazy.”

“Yeah, I came by and got my car before heading over.” I wanted to change the topic before he asked why I was here. “How was your weekend?”

“It was good. Juliet and I saw a show last night.”

“Oh, so you’re both home?” I hoped the question sounded more natural than it felt.

“Yeah, she wanted to go to a natural food store around here to stock up for the week.”

The completely acceptable excuse never would have made me suspicious before last night. Was she just trying to get close? Look around my room? Keep an eye on Gavin and his parents? Did she know about them?

“How’s training going? Are you ready for the race?” He asked.

“Good, I’ve been getting a few rides in each week. I think I’m ready.”

He chuckled. “That makes one of us. I’ve been trying to use the bikes in the gym, but it’s not the same as our set up. I’ll have to come home more often throughout the week.”

“Definitely, I don’t want you slowing me down.”

“Don’t worry about your old man. I’ll get back in shape in time.”

I couldn’t help but smile. This felt good. Normal. I didn’t want to have anything else to talk about besides a bike race and maybe what we were having for dinner. I didn’t want this huge boulder on my shoulders to break free and destroy everything I loved.

“You better.”

“Should we plan on you for dinner? Juliet is making some shrimp pasta dish that sounds pretty good.”

I wanted to. I missed him, and even knowing what I did, I missed her too.

“I’ve got some homework I need to get done with Gavin and Sky. I’m not sure how long it will take, so I might end up staying over at Sky’s tonight.” That wasn’t true. I didn’t even have a class with both of them besides weight training, and that obviously didn’t have group projects. Good thing Dad didn’t pay that close of attention.

“Sounds good. We’ll make sure there are leftovers in case you get done early.”

“Thanks.” I closed my eyes and wished things were different. Simple. But that hadn’t been my life in months.

“I love you, sweetie. Be safe.”

“Love you too.” I ended the call and tossed the phone to the far corner of the bed. I didn’t want to have to talk to anyone else for a while. I just needed to be alone. It felt like grieving. A possible future was gone. Taken from me by powers outside of my control.

I hated how it kept happening. No matter what I did, bad things happened. The people I let into my life hurt me. Betrayed me.

There was no project to work on, but school was tomorrow. As pointless as it felt right now, I knew I had to go. Maybe the monotony and routine would help settle my nerves. I could focus on lectures and reading rather than the ticking time bomb poised to destroy the life I’d come to love.

I let myself sink back into my book for another hour before getting up. I didn’t have clothes here for tomorrow, which was something I’d need to change soon. I should have a bag in my trunk with a few outfits for times like this. It wasn’t like I could sneak up to my room without notice. It was after seven, so most stores would be closed or about to.

I leaned across the bed and grabbed my phone to ask the guys if they had any of my clothes at their houses. Luca and Gavin did. Sky said I could wear anything of his, Vince volunteered one of his huge sweatshirts, and Noah offered to go shopping for me. I smiled at the quick replies and asked if I could stay the night with any of them. All five said yes.

Gavin was the only one to call.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal