Page 69 of Fear is the Key

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“Why do you need clothes and a place to sleep?” he asked in way of greeting.

“Juliet’s home, so I told my dad I had a school project to work on and wouldn’t be home.”

“Ah. Well, you can come over here. Vince is at home, so you can sleep in his room.”

“Can I hide my car?”

He laughed. “Where did you say you would be?”

“Sky’s,” I admitted. “If I’m at your house, it doesn’t make sense that I couldn’t just walk home when we were done working.”

“Fair enough. I’ll move GI Joe out and you can park in the garage.”

“Thanks.” I turned and stood up from the bed. “I’ll be over in a few.”

“See you soon.” He ended the call while I put my book away and turned off all the lights, making sure to check the locks before leaving.

When I arrived at Gavin’s, I avoided looking at my house and pulled through the open garage door to find him waiting for me on the training mats.

“Hungry?” he asked once I got out.

“Yeah, I sort of forgot to eat anything. All day.”

More pressing matters preoccupied my mind, but now that I thought about it, I was ready for a big meal.

“Did Miranda cook?” I asked as we headed inside.

“Oh, yeah, she made zuppa Toscana and breadsticks.”

That sounded amazing, and I raced past him to the kitchen. I had the fridge doors open and reached for the large container by the time he caught up.

He got me a bowl and spoon before going to the microwave and heating more breadsticks than I could ever hope to finish.

“Do you want soup too?” I finished serving mine and hesitated before closing the lid.

“Nah, I’m okay.”

Minutes later, we were sitting on stools, and my stomach was quickly filling.

“Thanks for letting me come over. Are your parents here?”

He shook his head. “They’re at some event. I don’t remember what this one’s for. I told them that you’re here though.”

“Do they know about what we found?”

He stopped, pulling a breadstick in half. “That would require me telling them where I got the information.”

“Right.” I bit my lip. I wasn’t used to keeping secrets from Daniel and Tessa. I had a feeling they would know the second they saw me. Like they had another ability to detect when we were hiding something.

“Where did you go this afternoon?”

“I met up with Emery.” Before he could speak, I clarified. “I didn’t tell her anything confidential. She knew the Grovel name too.”

“Did she have any advice?” He asked.

“Not really. She mostly just listened, and she offered to have me move in with her.” I stared at my nearly empty bowl, not wanting to see his reaction.

“Are you considering it?” His voice was so low I barely heard the question.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal