Page 67 of Fear is the Key

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I shook my head. “Not yet. Short of asking her directly, I don’t have a clue.”

Her lips curved into a sad smile. “I don’t think that would go over well.” She fell quiet before meeting my eyes again. “You could move in with me. You would be safe, and you could still be yourself. We could help you with your ability, and we wouldn’t come between you and the Society. It might not be for us, but we support you and your decisions.”

It was a real possibility. I could live in a house where I didn’t have to hide or pretend. Wanting to get to know my mother’s family was a reasonable excuse. But I’d be so far from the guys. From school. I’d have to transfer somewhere closer to Emery’s farmhouse.

“Thanks, I’ll think about that.”

She nodded. “I wish I had more answers for you. My husbands and I will help in any way we can, but we don’t have any connections to that world anymore. Just know that you are always welcome. You can show up at our door anytime and stay for however long you need.”

I scooted toward her and hugged her again. “Thank you,” I whispered against her hair. I knew when I called her that she wouldn’t have the answers I needed to solve the Juliet riddle, but she listened and cared. I needed that from someone outside of my normal world more than I’d known.

“I love you, sweetie. We’ll get through this.”

I closed my eyes and allowed a piece of myself to believe her.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal