Page 16 of Fear is the Key

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The soundof footsteps pulled me from sleep. I cracked open an eye and froze when I saw Vince's back. Then, the night before came back to me, and I smiled at the sweet memories.


If Vince was sleeping then whose footsteps were coming down the hall?

I sat up to investigate at the same second the door swung open, and Noah stepped in followed by Gavin, Sky, and Luca.

“Morning, Ave,” Sky was tentatively grinning until he looked next to me.

The other three were frozen, glaring at Vince’s form.

“What the hell?” Luca’s eyes trailed over me, and I realized I was in only a bra. I tugged on the sheet to cover me as Vince stirred and opened his eyes.

His arms stretched out, and he grinned at me, “Morning, beautiful.”

I nearly groaned as he leaned up and kissed my cheek. His movement revealed he was only in boxers and seeing the guys’ expressions harden made my heart stop.

“It’s not what it looks like,” I started.

Vince turned and finally saw his friends glaring at us, “Oh, shit.”

Noah’s jaw twitched. “It’s pretty damn clear actually.”


“It’s none of your business what happened between me and Ave,” Vince cut in. “Our relationship is between the two of us. She doesn’t have to explain or defend herself, and I sure as hell won’t.”

I wanted to hug him for saying that, but now wasn’t the best time. Noah gave a curt nod and stepped out of the room. Sky seemed to have gotten over the shock and just winked before following him. Of course, it had to be Gavin and Luca that remained. The one that I was already struggling to get on the same page with and the one I got heated with just a few days ago. We stopped because he knew I wasn’t ready. Did he really think I would change my mind just a few days later? Well, maybe he thought I just wasn’t ready to go further with him.


“We came over to talk,” Gavin averted his gaze, looking anywhere but me and Vince. “We’ll wait downstairs.” He reached for Luca’s arm, but he stepped out of the way. Gavin shook his head and left anyway.

Luca’s jaw was so tight I was worried he’d crack a tooth. “I hope you both were at least careful.”

I rolled my eyes, and Vince jumped out of the bed. He rushed at Luca, and I watched his arm pull back and aim for Luca’s face before I had a chance to scream.

The crunch sounded through the room, and I felt sick.

“Vince!” I scolded and hurried to where Luca was slumped against the wall. “Are you okay?”

He twisted away, stood, and stomped down the hall.

I sighed and turned to Vince. “That wasn’t necessary.”

He shrugged. “I thought it was. He had no right speaking to you or me like that.” He glared. “I meant what I said. What happens between me and you is none of their business, just like whatever you do with any of them has nothing to do with me. You don’t have to tell them what we did or didn’t do.”

“I appreciate that.” I took his hand in mine to check for injuries. “But you don’t need to punch any of them to prove a point.”

He tugged his hand away, and I let him. There didn’t seem to be any bruising or broken bones. “Let’s go see what they want.”

I nodded then froze. “Oh no.”


I looked down at my bare skin. “Our shirts are downstairs.”

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal