Page 15 of Fear is the Key

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But now Vince was here with me, and the guys had been warned to stay away. So it was just me and him with no interruptions. The possibilities ran through my mind, and I could feel my cheeks heating.

I could ask him to sing for me again. That was more than a little tempting. Serenading me without the crowd of the cafe? That might turn into a dangerous situation.

“What’s that look for?”

I bit back my smile and looked down.

He squeezed my foot. “What are you thinking about?”

This was my chance. A whole night to spend with Vince without any other worries. Time for just us. How badly I had wanted that for weeks? Months even.

I slowly looked up through my lashes. “Will you sing for me?”

His big grin appeared, and he nodded. “I can do that.”

I expected him to at least try to fight me on it or even come up with a distraction, but he relaxed back on the couch and began singing in his low, rich voice. The smooth sound washing over me as he sang about a lover he lost and how he hoped she found happiness with a good man.

I thought it might be awkward to have him sing to me alone, but the rest of the world disappeared when his eyes locked on mine. It was like I forgot he was even singing. We were connected and in our own private space.

Without pausing, he continued onto another about waking up to the woman he loved. Even though I recognized the song, it felt like he’d written each lyric for me. Was this how he felt about me? I was smiling before I could stop myself.

His grin made a short appearance before he lost himself again.

This was peace. This was what I wanted, craved. A night to be alone and enjoy one another. It was always so easy with Vince. I knew his heart. He would never hurt me on purpose. Sure, he was bound to make mistakes, but he was quick to apologize and learn. He was so accepting of me and my flaws. He was always willing to forgive and forget. How was I so lucky?

His voice trailed off, and I crawled over to him, kissing him lightly. I started to pull back, but he put his hand on the back of my neck and held me in place. I smiled against his lips and swung my leg over his lap giving myself the advantage as I ran my hands over his broad shoulders.

My stomach fluttered as his hands explored from my legs over my butt then up my back before digging into my hips. I gasped at the pressure and responded by wrapping my fingers in his hair and tugging. He released a moan, and satisfaction rolled through me. I did that. I made my incredibly sexy Vince moan with pleasure.

Feeling daring, I trailed my hands across his pecs and over the taut muscles over his stomach until I reached the bottom of his shirt. I slipped my hands under and repeated the movements back up to his shoulders. I meant to tease him, but when my hands got to the top, he released his hold on me to lift his arms, tugging the shirt off.

The heat in his eyes had me biting my lip as I took him in. My fingers touched his exposed skin as if on their own mission to memorize every inch. He was gorgeous.


I dragged my eyes up to his, and he leaned forward, capturing my lips once again. There was a passion that hadn’t been there before. Fueled by his reaction, I met each of his touches with one of my own. Each bite. Each lick. He held me pressed against him, but as the heat grew in my stomach, it wasn’t enough. I pushed his hands down to my hips and leaned back, slowly raising my arms over my head.

His eyes widened and raised a brow. I nodded, and he lifted the hem of my shirt slower than I thought possible. My heart swelled at the look of awe and appreciation on his face as he stared at the bare skin of my stomach. When he got to the bottom of my bra, he paused, but I couldn’t take it anymore. His slowness was driving me crazy. I reached for my shirt and pulled it off and tossed it behind me.

His eyes were locked on my chest, and I almost laughed at his expression of joy and surprise.

I cocked my head. “Are you okay?”

He nodded once, then twice before raising his gaze to mine. “You’re perfect.”

At any other time or place, I wouldn’t have believed that, but the way he was looking at me made me feel his words sink into my soul. To him, I was perfect. My throat tightened, and I wanted to say the words I’d thought but never ever said aloud. Three words to express how he made me feel, but I was too scared. Even though this moment was only about me and him, I couldn’t stop my stupid brain from thinking about the other four guys. Was I ready to say it to all of them? I wasn’t sure and didn’t have time to think it over.

Instead, I chose to show him exactly how I felt.

The feel of his skin against mine was my new favorite thing. It was intoxicating. I couldn’t stop touching him and felt the same struggle for control pouring off of him.

He kissed my neck, and his palms skimmed over the cups of my bra. I stopped breathing, waiting for his next move. With the lightest pressure, he squeezed as if he was holding the most precious things in the world. I sighed, lost in a new wave of pleasure. I waited for him to go further, but he lowered his head, placing a kiss on the curve of each breast before sliding his hands around my back.

When he didn’t try to remove my bra, I was relieved. This was the furthest I’d ever gone before, and I wasn’t sure what I was ready for. His relieving me of making that decision only made me fall for him more.

As he picked me up and gently laid me on my back on the carpet before lowering himself over me, I expected a wave of regret or panic, but it felt too right. Being held by Vince, worshiped by his mouth and hands was too good.

Time froze as we lost ourselves in each other.

Later, he rolled onto his side, resting his head on his hand and looking down at me with more emotions than I could read. I knew he felt the same way I did. I smiled at his rumpled hair and stroked his cheek.

I wanted to stay in this moment forever. I felt so safe and cherished. He reached out and traced lazy patterns over my stomach, never dipping too low or getting close to my bra. The soothing movements had me closing my eyes and soon I let out an unexpected yawn.

“I should head home.” He said the words but didn’t move.

“Or you could sleep here.” I paused. “With me.”

He nodded, and I led him upstairs to the only bedroom with any furniture. I climbed into the bed in my bra and leggings, and he undid his jeans before sliding them off and lying down next to me. Once he was situated on his back, I cuddled next to him, resting my head on his chest.

The words were on the tip of my tongue again, but I stopped myself. He had to know how I felt. One day, I would tell him. Soon.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal