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I barely recognized him in the hat and glasses he wore.

“Where were you?” Dominic demanded, his voice hard.

“Dealing with Tate’s shit. He fucking followed me to my car and demanded to know where I was going and then tried to come with me. So I said I was going to see my old man. Then I actually had to go see my old man because I knew he’d tell Hail, who’d fucking ask just because Tate would drive him nuts about it.”

“How is Daddy Dearest?” Dominic asked as I shifted on his lap to go to Fallon. Dominic’s hold tightened, preventing me from leaving.


“Drink,” he said, handing me another glass. “Business first.”

I huffed but took my drink and sipped it, my eyes on Fallon’s face.

“Hey, princess,” he said, reaching across the table and giving my fingers a gentle squeeze. He didn’t wait for my reply before he pulled his hand away and focused his attention on Dominic.

I finished my drink a moment later. Dominic wordlessly gave me a refill.

“No news?” Dominic asked.

“Nothing. I think Tate’s curiosity over what I’ve been doing is starting to rear its ugly head. It’s going to become a problem. I had been telling them I was seeing someone on campus, but then I shut that shit down because they wanted to know who she was.”

“Then maybe you should start seeing someone on campus.”

“Hey—” I cut in, but Dominic pressed a finger to my lips.

“I’m not going to see anyone but Bianca,” Fallon said fiercely.

My heart sped at his words.

“You’ll do whatever the fuck you have to do so no one is the wiser.”

“You said we could get over this shit, and I’d be able to leave the lords—”

“I saidmaybe,” Dominic interjected. “But for now, you’re with them, so you may want to consider keeping them off your ass. It’s about keeping Bianca safe.”

“I won’t cheat on her.”

“It’s not cheating if I’m giving you the order. Wasp knows that.”

“Dominic, no fucking way,” I said, cutting in.

“You are to be silent when I discuss business,” Dominic said in a dangerous voice. He turned his focus on me with a piercing look.

“Fuck that. Fallon is my boyfriend. I won’t have you dictating what he does, especially that!” I said, shifting to face Dominic, anger burning through my veins.

“And I am your husband and the leader of the kings. My word is law,wife. To keep you safe, we’d all bury our cocks into places we’d rather not go. That’s how fucking much your safety means to us. Understand that.”

I shoved out of his hold and got to my feet.

“Sit,” Dominic instructed as he stared up at me.

“No. Fuck off. I always just stand back while you make demands. Not this time, Dominic. You know what seeing Levin and Celeste did to me. Let’s not even get into how it devastated me to see you with Natalia that night at your dad’s. And now you want Fallon to do something like that? No.Fuckingno!”

“We do what we do to keep you fromfucking dying, wasp. Now sitdown.”

“No. How would you feel if I had to fuck someone else to keep one of you safe?” I backed away from him, the fury alive and well within me.

“Wasp,” Dominic growled, his hard glare piercing my soul and making my knees weak.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic