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“You fix this, Dominic. I’m not fucking kidding. Come up with a new plan because if Fallon has tofucksomeone else, then I’m not doing this. I’m not. None of it. Fix it.”

“Bianca,” Dominic snapped, rising to his feet.

Fallon followed, but I backed away again.

“I can handle myself, Dominic. I’m going to Vinny and Levin.”

“You are not.” Dominic lunged and grabbed my arm, but I yanked hard out of his grasp.

“Fucking watch me,” I snarled. I whirled around and pushed forward, darting from my husband as fast as I could, my clutch in my hand.

I was so pissed off I didn’t even pay attention as I stormed through the club. Instead of going to Vinny and Levin, wherever the hell they were, I went to the dance floor and got lost in the crowd. I danced, becoming one with the music as I tried to clear my mind.

Dominic had me so furious I’d nearly decked him in his beautiful face. I knew if I hadn’t walked away I might have.

A warm body pressed up behind me.

“It’s been a while, huh, doll?” a dangerous voice murmured in my ear as its owner danced against me.

I drew in a shaky breath.

Fucking Cole.The asshole horseman who’d drugged and kidnapped me.

“Meet me out back. Five minutes. We have unfinished business.” His warmth left me.

I didn’t turn around for a full five minutes before I hauled in a deep breath and pushed through the crowd to the hall that led to the back door.

We did have unfinished business. I was about to prove to Dominic I could handle my shit without sacrificing the ones I loved.



Ipushed the backdoor open and stepped outside into the dark parking lot, my pulse racing.

The guard at the door had given me a nod like he knew I was up to some shady shit.

Cole leaned against the building next to the club..

I stormed forward, taking in the wicked grin on the devilish creature in front of me. I was already pissed the fuck off because of Dominic’s bullshit, so I was running on rage and adrenaline. And revenge. Definitely revenge.

Right as I reached him, I slipped the gun from my clutch and smashed him across his pretty face with it. His head snapped to the side, and I pushed him against the wall as I leveled the pistol at his face.

“I guess I deserved that,” he said, turning back to face me, a trickle of blood coming from his nose.

Maybe I’d gone crazy. He wasn’t prepared for my second attack as I brought my foot up and kicked him between the legs, sending him to his knees with a groan.

“Fuck,” he wheezed, falling forward.

I wasted no time in smashing my knee upward into his face as he let out a grunt and fell over.

I leveled my gun on him again.

“You deserved that too, asshole,” I snarled at him. “Fucking prick. You assholes almost killed Vinny.”

Reaching down, I twisted my fingers in his soft hair and tugged his head up. His blue eyes met mine.

“I can see why De Santis married you,” he rasped, smiling at me even with a bloody nose and busted lip.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic