Page 6 of Prisoner

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The female had clearly cared about the old man. She came after me fearlessly to defend him, though I was a bigger, stronger foe. I wondered if he was her sire—or perhaps, despite his advanced age, her mate.

Remembering how her breasts felt against my bare chest when she squirmed and writhed underneath me made my cock stiffen. I didn’t know which of the males had been her mate. The others were younger, stronger warriors. Maybe all three had claimed her. Now she belonged to no one.

I could still smell the juices of her pussy where they’d been smeared on my skin when I carried her into the cave. I’d been without a female for too long and my body demanded release. I told the alien I wouldn’t fight her. But the gods had delivered her to me, and I’d take her as mine. She was wild, with fire in her belly. Our sons would be fierce warriors, our daughters beautiful and as submissive to their mates as their mother would learn to be to me. Taming her, teaching her to obey me, punishing her long and hard when she did not, were challenges I looked forward to. I picked up the pace, anxious to get back and begin her training.

It didn’t take long before I came to the place where I’d left the other bodies. I laid the old man beside them, then built a fire and piled the dead atop it, setting their spirits free to join the gods, as befitted brave warriors. Though the Federation called them dangerous criminals, they had fought with dignity. No matter what their crimes had been, I would not dishonor them by allowing their remains to be torn apart by scavengers. Only those who died in disgrace deserved such a cruel fate.

Unlike mercenaries from other species, I took no joy in ending a life. I’d been chosen for this mission because I came from a world similar to this uninhabited planet. It was the last place any trace of the fugitives had been noted. The Federation had ordered me to track them down and eliminate them. Take no prisoners. But they never told me the escapees had a female with them.

She wasn’t a hostage. No unwilling prisoner would take the side of her captor and attack me, a possible rescuer. Whether she was a criminal as well or just an accomplice who aided their escape, I did not know. Perhaps I never would.

When it came to the males, I had to defend myself when they ambushed me. But though I took the lives of her companions, I would not take hers. She may not have been their prisoner. But now she’d be mine.

* * *

By the time I returned, she’d managed to scoot her way across the floor of the cave to where the parts from her weapons were scattered. A quick glance told me several pieces were missing. She’d chosen well. Sharp objects that could slice through the cloth binding her hands, then stab straight to the heart or rip a fatal slash in an enemy’s throat. My respect for the female went up a notch. Though she fought like a girl during our short battle, she’d shown glimpses of a warrior’s heart hidden under those lush breasts.

I approached her warily, as I would any worthy foe.

“I sent your companions to the gods,” I said.

Instead of bowing her head in respect for their passage, she stared back at me, her deep brown eyes unreadable.

“I gave their spirits the departure they deserved,” I went on. “They died with honor, as befitting warriors.”

Though I didn’t say it, I’d had another reason for dispatching their remains quickly. I did not want the ghosts of her dead mates lingering in this world to curse me when I fucked her.

And fuck her I would—long and hard. But first I had to punish her disobedience.

I circled behind her and untied the scrap of cloth around her head. She spat out the gag, coughing and retching.

“What is your name?”

“What the fuck do you care?”

I ignored her disrespect for the moment. There were more important issues to deal with. “You belong to me now. I want to know what name I should call you.”

“Belong to you? Never,” she raged. “Untie me now—or you can call me your worst nightmare!”

“Fine. Don’t tell me. I’ll call you whatever I want—and you will call me Master,” I added, my voice hard.

“Master? More like monster,” she retorted.

Her fire fed my hunger to claim her. Every show of defiance would make her taming more challenging—and her submission all the more satisfying.

I sank to the ground beside her and dragged her over my lap face down. Her ass still bore a faint red mark from my hand earlier and she screeched when I delivered a stern whack to the same spot.

“You will address me with respect—or you will be punished,” I declared, punctuating my words with more spanks.

“Fuck you, asshole!”

I smacked her harder. She bucked and writhed, but her wrists and ankles were still bound and there was little she could do to stop me. Instead, she let loose with a string of curses. I made note of a few unusual ones, so I could have her explain their meaning later.

Though she struggled like a wild tessara, I could smell her arousal building again. It seemed this female responded to being disciplined. That, and her nearly naked body writhing on my lap, made my cock swell. I spanked her again, then ground myself against her pussy. She gasped and her curses died off.

Time for her training to begin.

“Call me Master,” I ordered.

Tags: Kallista Dane Paranormal