Page 31 of Prisoner

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Starn turned around to see what had caused the uproar. He seemed taken aback to see Harald upright again. “Are you ready to denounce her? You can end this right now. Admit it’s all been a hoax and the Insurrection is over. Then take me to where you’ve hidden her.”

Swaying on his feet, Harald gave a single shake of his head. “Never,” he gasped.

“Haven’t you had enough, old man? Very well, then.” Starn shrugged and motioned to the guard on his right. The one who’d used his wand before.

The guard lifted his arm but before he could activate the device, Harald lurched forward. Grabbing the wand out of the guard’s hand, he lifted it high in the air, his fist clenched around it. “Long live the Insurrection!” he shouted, his voice strong and clear.

Then he opened his mouth, jammed the wand down his throat, and pressed the button.

Chapter Nineteen


My scream was drowned out by the din around me.

His body contorted, then collapsed. Though it continued to twitch, the smoke rising from it told us what we saw were muscular contractions caused by the powerful electrical current still pouring through his body. Harald was dead.

I was transported back to that horrible day when I watched my father and my lover murdered in front of my eyes. Now another person I cared about had been taken from me. Even worse, this one died to protect me. Just like Andreu. Blinded by rage, I forgot about the need to stay hidden. Forgot my concerns about giving up the identities of my bodyguards. I fought them, desperately trying to free myself and rush to Harald’s side.

“Stop it,” Thomas muttered, pulling me back against his body. “He’s gone, Ree. You can’t help him.”

“Let me go!” I struggled, but his arms around my waist held me like a vise.

Brynn stepped in front of us to hide what was happening from those nearby. “Don’t be a fool,” he hissed. “The man gave his life for you. For the Cause. Are you going to waste his sacrifice by letting them take you now? If you do, Starn wins.”

His harsh words hit me like a bucket of cold water. Cut off my frenzied emotional response.

They were right. Harald was gone. Dashing up to the platform wouldn’t help him. But it would deliver me into Starn’s hands. He’d use me to crush any thoughts of rebellion among the prisoners. Make sure I died a more horrible public death than Harald did. And with that, he’d destroy all hope among the rebels that one day our Cause would prevail.

* * *

“We have to escape.All of us.”

Kaal sat with his back against the stone wall, watching me pace back and forth in the cramped hut while I raged.

“No one has ever escaped from Zibaru,” he observed.

I turned my fury on him. “Don’t tell me it can’t be done!”

His voice grew stern. “I know you’re upset, but do not take your anger out on me.” He patted the ground beside him. “Come here,” he said more softly. “Sit for a moment. Have something to eat. You have not rested since Harald died.”

“I’m not hungry.” I sighed wearily and sank down beside him. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. What happened is no one’s fault but mine.”

Kaal shook his head. “It’s not your fault either.” He reached for the jug of homemade whiskey. Took a slug and handed it to me. “Besides I didn’t say no one can escape from Zibaru. I said no one ever has.”

Tags: Kallista Dane Paranormal