Page 21 of Prisoner

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Chapter Thirteen


The first thing I heard when they dragged me out of the building was Kaal’s voice. But I didn’t dare answer him. Starn was a vindictive bastard. I was afraid if he thought there was a connection between us, he’d take his anger at me out on the alien.

I needn’t have worried. It was too late. The warden already knew about us. He made sure I could hear his instructions to Kaal while I was led up the stairs to the platform. Starn wanted me broken—and he’d chosen the one person left in my life who I had a bond with to do it.

A howl like the bellow of a ferocious beast rocked the wooden platform when I stepped onto it. The crowd had grown since I was led inside the stone building. Through the din I made out a few of the vile remarks. I raised my chin, trying not to let my fear show. If the other prisoners had their way, it sounded like Nye wouldn’t make much on his wager. By tomorrow I’d be fucked to death.

The guards played their part in the spectacle to perfection, yanking me roughly over the narrow wooden bench with my naked bottom facing the crowd. They tied my wrists to the legs on one side, then kicked my feet apart and fastened my ankles to the other two legs, spreading me wide. Shame flooded over me as every intimate part of my body was exposed. When Rigo did it with the guards watching, I’d been aroused. But having a ravenous mob shout threatening obscenities while they ogled my pussy and ass filled me with a combination of humiliation and fear.

With my head hanging down between my legs, I could see Starn climb up the steps, followed by Kaal with a guard on each side of him. The warden walked to the edge of the platform and held up both hands. The crowd fell silent.

“We’re gathered here to witness a public punishment. Our new female broke a cardinal rule, showing disrespect to your leader.”

A mixed chorus of cheers and boos rang out, leaving me to wonder which one of us they were cheering. Starn waited till the cries died down, then went on. “She needs to learn she has lost her status as a person. She’s now a prisoner, a piece of property owned by the Federation and given to me to handle as I see fit. You’ve all discovered bad behavior here is severely punished but I think seeing a reminder from time to time is useful.” He stopped for effect, then added, “Besides, I know you’ll all thank me for the live entertainment.”

The prisoners erupted again, this time leaving no doubt in my mind what they were cheering for. Starn basked in their approval, letting the noise build to a crescendo before he raised his hands once more. “Her first punishment will be administered by our other new inmate. I’m told he’s a savage alien warrior who fights with the might of ten men. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to seeing his skills in action.”

The guards dragged Kaal forward. He stood with his head up, never flinching, as the prisoners hurled insults at him and threatened to tear him limb from limb. I realized Starn was even more devious than I thought. He’d set me up, parading my naked body in front of hundreds of vicious, horny criminals with nothing to lose. And he’d put a target on Kaal’s back. The alien would be too busy defending himself to protect me. Everyone would be clamoring to defeat him, since whoever took him out would be hailed as a great warrior. Starn would be rid of two potential troublemakers while making a nice profit.

One of the guards handed Kaal a long wooden paddle. I braced myself, but nothing could have prepared me for what followed.

I heard thecrack, followed a millisecond later by a shocking blast of fire. Reflexively I tried to jerk upright. The bonds around my wrists bit in painfully, holding me in place.

Kaal whacked me again.

I’d heard what Starn told him and I’d decided to beg Kaal to stop after he delivered a few smacks, feigning tears and pleading pitifully. But the breath whooshed out of my lungs. And the searing burn left me gasping, unable to speak. I’d never felt such pain. The crowd erupted, cheering him on.

After a few more swats, tears were streaming down my face. I forgot I was naked in front of a mob of strangers. Forgot I’d planned to pretend to ask for mercy.

“Please,” I begged him in a whisper. “No more, please.”

Masked by the din of the crowd, Kaal uttered words only I could hear. “Scream it. Scream out loud. Beg me to stop.”

The bastard. I hated him in that moment.

Starn was getting just what he wanted. Driving us apart. Then I felt Kaal’s hand give a furtive caress to my burning ass, reminding me he was being forced to do this, and I understood what he was saying. The sooner I broke, the sooner he could stop.

No matter how horrible the punishment was, stubborn pride wouldn’t allow me to do as he said. Instead I took a deep breath and yelled at the top of my lungs. “Stop it, you bastard!”

He paddled me again, and I gave a howl of rage. A volley of harsh whacks turned my shouts and curses into shrieks of pain. By the end of it I was begging for real. “Please! Please stop,” I gasped.

Kaal tossed the paddle aside and stepped between my legs. He stroked his cock a few times, displaying a huge erection to the cheering horde and then grabbed my hips. With one hard thrust, he slammed balls-deep into my pussy.

I screamed again, but it was lost in the uproar. Kaal started fucking me hard and fast. The noise of the crowd faded into the background, along with all sight and sound. Every time he thrust into me, the blistering agony on my ass dimmed a little more, replaced by white-hot lust. The universe narrowed to his cock pounding into my pussy, rocketing me through the darkness toward a dazzling white light that pulsed... and pulsed... and pulsed... until I soared into it and exploded.

Kaal pulled his cock out, still hard, and rubbed it against my stinging ass. The jeers and taunts of the crowd intensified. He dug his fingers into my cheeks, spread me apart, and pressed the head against my tight sphincter.

“No, please no, you’re so big! You’ll hurt me!”

My protest was met with a roar of approval from the spectators.

“Shhh. I have to do this,” Kaal murmured, “or Starn will let Rigo have you.” He reached between my legs with one hand, stroked my clit. “I am your master,” he declared, his voice raised loud enough to carry over the din. “You belong to me. Now beg me to fuck your ass.”

When I didn’t immediately respond, he gave me a stern smack. “Beg me!”

Tags: Kallista Dane Paranormal