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“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie tries to break free. “I understand.” When I let him go, he staggers forward, shaking the soreness away. For a moment, I think he wants a fight. The way his nostrils flare, how wide his stance is, and I’m game for it. You do not disrespect women like that. Then, at the last second he exhales, brushes his hair away from his eyes and turns to leave.

“And one more thing.” Eddie stops, shooting me a look I should kick his ass for. “My name is Russell, not Rusty. Not anymore.”

I’m not satisfied until I see him leave the ballroom.

“I supposed a formal introduction is a bit overdue.” I turn to Josie, but am surprised to find an empty space where my gorgeous goddess once stood.



The nerve of that guy,stepping in on my behalf! I can’t get out of the ballroom quickly enough. I’m a professional, educated woman and I can take care of myself, but I’ll never truly be able to prove the fact that I’m kicking ass at my job if I can’t prove myself. If I were a man, no one would ever step to me as manager of the lodge. Men! They think all of us need saving.

I unlock my office door and quickly grab my purse from underneath my desk, unable to get the hell out of here fast enough. Eliana and Salem will totally understand. I’ll tell them that the wine went to my head and I got tired. The way those two are wrapped up in each other tonight, they won’t even notice I’m gone. A little smile creeps up on my lips just thinking about them. They’re the kind of couple everyone wants to be. They have the kind of mutual love and respect that every couple wants to have.

I can’t imagine Salem ever stepping up and playing hero like his brother did. I was doing fine without him, seconds away from solving my own problem. Dammit. I slam my hand on the back of my door and take a long, deep breath. Nothing good ever happens when you’re hot under the collar. That’s part of the reason why I got this job, my ability to stay cool under pressure. At least, it appears that way on the outside. Inside, I’m a boiling pot, but no one will ever see that. It’s a gift.

Feeling a sense of calm, I throw open my door and nearly fall backwards. “Did you follow me?”

“Not exactly.” Russell Strong stands before me in his custom suit. He wears his dark hair away from his blue-green eyes, the same shade as the sea. He extends his hand with my business card pressed between his fingers. “That scumbag dropped this. I took a guess you’d be in your office.”

“Good guess, Mr. Mayor.” I say, forcing myself to smile.

“That’s awfully formal isn’t it? Call me Russell.”

“Okay, Russell.”

I would dodge my way around this man, lock my door, and high tail it out of here if I thought for one second I could get past him. His brawny frame is practically gargantuan. Everything about him is oversized. He’s well over six feet. Strong. Overpowering.

Oh my God libido, not now!

“And you’re Josie Byrd. I’ve heard all about you.”

“Good things, I hope.” I huff out a little laugh and slowly inch my way out the door, then turn around and lock it behind me. Russell moves backward to accommodate, but not much. The heat coming off of his body radiates through me.

“Better than what they say about me, I’m sure.”

I start to walk down the hall. Russell stays one step behind me. “Oh, no one talks about you that badly.”

“I’ve heard you’re a wonderful manager, but I have to say you’re a horrible liar.” This stops me in my tracks. I spin to face him, my mouth wide, ready to object. A sly smile spreads across his impossibly full lips. “See?”

Dammit, he’s right. I’m a great bluffer, but a bad liar. There is a difference. “You’re a progressive mayor who doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks of him. You don’t have to because your family basically owns the town.” I spin on my heel and go back on my way.

“Ouch!” he calls out, and in three steps he’s behind me once more. “Honesty looks good on you.”

“Are you going to keep following me all the way out to my car?”

“You’re leaving?” We both turn toward the lobby, and I can’t get to the front door fast enough.

“I spilled a blood red glass of wine all over a patron’s shirt.” I hit the service door with my elbow, causing the last bits of daylight to blind the both of us after being in the dark for so long. “My work here is done.”

“That wasn’t your fault.” His booming voice takes a serious tone. “Eddie Sellars is an asshole who ran into you on purpose.”

I take a pause and stand in place. My fingers pinch the bridge of my nose. “It doesn’t matter if it was his fault. I’m the manager of this place. It’s up to me to make things right with any and every guest. So, in my eyes itwasmy fault.” I turn on him, the rage building up from the tips of my toes. I jab my finger into Russell’s firm, muscular chest. “And I had it under control until you came in and strong armed him out.”

A hurt look hangs on Russell’s face, and what a beautiful face it is. Unnaturally high cheekbones. Thick, dark eyebrows that contrast perfectly against his sparkling blue-green eyes. And that jaw, strong, square and powerful. Especially now, with his teeth clenched.

“I was only trying to help.”

Tags: Flora Madison Strong Mountain Men of Burly Creek Romance