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I step aside for him to enter. My body shudders with him this close to me. Maybe I’m a fool for inviting him over, and even though my head is a mess, I’m not the kind of woman who lets things go without confronting them, which is why running away today felt like such a stupid, cowardly move.

“I hope you like white.” Davis holds up a bottle of wine. The corners of his bright blue eyes crinkle when he smiles. Something strange stirs inside of me, a warmth I can’t quite identify. I haven’t felt it since my parents were both alive. A memory flashes before my eyes, watching movies with mom, dad, and my three sisters. A fire roared in the fireplace and we were all fighting over who got to hold the bowl of popcorn. Emmi won. She always won. “What?”

“What?” I echo.

“You’re smiling.”

I grab the bottle of white from his hands. “So?”

I march into the kitchen, sweat beads forming on my upper lip. As much as I hate to admit it, Davis Armstrong’s presence makes me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time, completely and utterly at peace.



I was shockedwhen Meg called me, but not one hundred percent surprised. I went through the same thing when I left the city. It takes a lot of time to adjust to a slower life, but I found my way and surely she’ll find hers. Especially if I’m here to help her. I take off my jacket and lay it over the arm of the chair just before Meg returns with two glasses of vintage Chablis. “This is a delicious wine.”

I take my glass from her, furrowing my brow. “You tried it already?”

“I had to make sure it wasn’t poisonous, Doctor.” She puts on a funny little accent, like an old movie star. “My dad used to say that when he’d sneak the first bite or sip of something.” A dark cloud passes over her eyes, but she recovers so quickly you might not even know it happened.

We sit on the couch facing each other and clink our glasses before taking a sip. I wouldn’t say I’m nervous, per se, but a little liquid courage will help me say all the things I need to convince her to give Brighton Ridge a chance.

“I’m sorry about today.” Meg’s eyes remain locked on her lap.

“Sorry that you kissed me?” I lick my lips remembering the delicious sensation of her soft body pressed against mine. “Or sorry that you ran away?”

“Sorry I ran away.” She snaps, her face serious as a preacher on a Sunday discussing sins. “It was not my best moment.”

“Why did you run away?” I reach out to touch her knee, but think better of it. “Honestly?”

“That’s all I want, Meg. If it’s the truth, you can tell me absolutely anything.”

“You scare me.”

Meg’s statement takes me completely by surprise. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that. A big, booming laugh escapes my lips. My head goes flying backward, and I have to pause to catch my breath.

“You don’t have to laugh at me, Jesus.”

“I’m—” I cannot catch my breath, instead I have to set my wine glass down to stop from spilling it. “I’m not laughing at you, Meg. I promise. It’s just no one’s ever said that to me before.”

“Maybe not to your face. You’re a hot as fuck doctor who actually seems interested in me.”

“I am very interested in you, Meg. Is that so hard to believe?”

“Thatis not the point.” She twists her long hair into one line and throws it over her shoulder, showing off the curve of her face. My cock twitches in my pants and a visceral memory overcomes me, the taste of her warm, sexy mouth.

“Then tell me, what’s so scary about that?”

Now Meg sets down her glass. “Because I don’t want to stay here. Or, at least I thought I didn’t.” She runs her tongue over her top lip, drawing me in closer. “Now…I don’t know.”

“Meg.” I take her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over her soft knuckle. “You don’t have to know. I’m asking for a chance to get to know you. There are no decisions that have to be made tonight.”

“What if I can never make them?” She turns her deep blue eyes on me and all rational thought trails out the window. I’d do anything to keep her here, but I have to remember that this may be a lost cause. God, I hope not.

“What if you don’t have to choose?” I move closer to her, trailing my finger along the edge of her jaw. “I like you Meg. You’ve brought out feelings in me I thought I’d never feel.”

Tags: Flora Madison Sweet Sisters Bakery Romance