Page 7 of Anathema Codex

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Almost like looking into a mirror,the accompanying message reads.

But without even having read that, I know that the man I’m looking at in the photo is Lakyn Meyer.

Maybe my mother’s anger wasn’t as misplaced as I thought it was because just seeing him makes me feel angry too.

I can’t explain it.

Having such a sudden, undeniable hatred for a man I don’t even know is overwhelming and as I toss my phone onto the bed, I wonder if this is exactly how he’ll feel about me when I knock on his fucking door.

Game on,I think evenly as I take a deep breath, get back to my feet, and head over to the dresser. I pull out a fresh pair of briefs, jeans, and a loose-fitting t-shirt, getting dressed as quickly as I can before I walk over to my closet and begin to pack up for the trip.

And may be the best Meyer win.


Old Gods, New Demons


“Come on,” I snap as I lay my hand on the horn for the third time. I don’t know what’s keeping Aftyn, but he had better not be asleep. It’s almost nine-thirty at night and I want to get going.

As if to answer my question, the front door of his place opens and he tosses out a couple of bags, before he closes it again. If he thinks that I’m going to be his personal concierge, he’s got another thing coming. Being his goddamn chauffeur is going to be bad enough because I’m not entirely sure that I trust him to drive.

He’s not bad at it by any means, he just doesn’t know what speed limits are. Oranylimits at all for that matter.

I’m ready to lay on the horn again when his door opens, he steps out and almost trips over his bags. I rest my chin on the steering wheel and when our eyes meet, he gives me the finger before he picks them up and walks toward the vehicle.

Pushing open the driver’s side door, I hop out and grin at him. “Sorry, but I’m not your maid.”

“Noted,” he replies with an eye roll as I pull open the door to the hatch and he tosses his bags in.

“What’s got you in such a good mood already?” I ask curiously once he slams the hatch and turns to walk away.

Aftyn glances at me for a moment, eyeing me carefully before he blows out his breath and shakes his head. “Nothing. Let’s get going before you change your mind.”

The familiar curve of his lips makes me smile and shake my head. I know it’s forced right now but he’ll tell me what’s wrong when he wants to and I won’t press him.

That can have damning consequences as I’ve learned in the not so distant past.

“Hey, you’re not gonna get all weird while we’re doing this, are you?” he asks after I get back in the driver’s seat.

“Weird how?” I inquire in confusion.

“You know…” his voice trails off as he straps his seatbelt on then turns to face me and holds up a forefinger and pinky on one hand.

I scowl at him as I turn the key in the ignition. Aftyn can never let anything go. I told him I once read about the Satanic cults in New Mexico after he told me about the email and how I wanted to stop just to take a look at their churches and stuff since we were passing through, and he’s been convinced ever since that I worship the Devil.

It amazes me considering he’s the only person in the world that deems himself worthy of such praise.

“I’ll do my best not to sacrifice you,” I snap at him as I glance into the side-view mirror, then pull out onto the street.

Universe and mythologies be damned; there’s enough malice in the man sitting next to me that I don’t have to invite anymore of it willingly into my life.

* * *

“So, are we there yet?” Aftyn asks as soon as we get stuck in gridlock traffic on the highway.

“We haven’t even made it out of New York,” I tell him with a glare.

Tags: Yolanda Olson Romance