Page 47 of Anathema Codex

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They don’t deserve to meet him.

They shouldn’t share in the happiness I’m hoping to feel. Even though it’s marred by anger right now, I have hope that he’ll change my mood.

If not instantly, then maybe after a little while.

As I tell myself to let the anger subside, his home comes into focus again.

It’s nothing like I thought it would be.

For some reason, the text messages, the emails, the breathing on the other end of the line somehow painted a picture in my mind that this would be a fucking celestial palace.

Instead, I find myself almost to the door of a Spanish mission-style home, painted white on the outside to hide what I assume is one of the hugest blemishes of humanity within.

I run a hand back through my hair again to try and make myself look somewhat presentable for a man that probably cares fuck all about my existence, then raise my fist and knock on the wooden door.

I glance at the SUV over my shoulder and grit my teeth when the two babbling bitches spill out into the street and continue their shouting match. Willa has a finger in Daphne’s face and the latter has her hands on her hips.

If they come to blows, they’ll just have to wait until I’m done here—and if they think I’m going to jump in the middle ofthatfucking debacle, they’ll be waiting for the rest of their lives.

With a grunt, I raise my fist and bang it against the door again. Perhaps I shouldn’t be approaching this situation with anger in my heart, but I can’t help it. The two of them seemed damned determined to make this meeting as miserable for me as possible and I’m channeling their fucking bitching into my knocking.

I have to calm down. I can’t let them ruin this momentous occasion. Especially not if I was stuck in a fucking truck all this time for no goddamn reason.

“Cut it the fuck out!” I shout as I turn sideways to glare at Willa and Daphne. But they don’t hear me, and if they do, then they don’t care.

Just like everyone else in my life.

“Can I help you?” a voice greets me uncertainly.

I turn my attention back toward the now half-opened front door and raise an eyebrow. The green eyes I find myself looking into are tired but light up almost immediately when they lock on mine.

Almost as if they suddenly filled with… hope.

“Are you—?” the tired man stops his question short as a curious smile curves the edges of his lips. He steps out and shakes his head as he lets out a chuckle. “What am I even saying? Of course, you are. Or at the very least, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were. You look almost exactly like him. Holy shit.”

I arch an eyebrow at him dangerously. I’m not in the mood for this shit right now.

“Listen, is he here or not?” I snap at him. “I’ve been stuck in that truck for way too fucking long to stand here and let someone I don’t even know ogle me.”

“But you don’t know Lakyn either. Not that I’m aware of anyway, because who knows where he goes when he gets into one of his moods,” he replies with that curious smile still on his lips as he lets his hands drop to his sides. “I’m just surprised that you’re here is all.”

“So, ishehere?” I ask again, my tone dripping with venom. I don’t want to be unkind to this guy because he looks like he’s had a rough enough life as it is, but I’m not going to just stand here and trade pleasantries either.

The young, frail man nods at me as his smile falters slightly. “I should probably go get him. He doesn’t like surprises, though. Do you mind waiting here for a sec? I promise he’ll be right out.”

I look away for a moment, squaring my jaw in frustration, but what choice do I have? Besides kicking in the fucking door and going in myself, that is.

“Fine,” I finally agree, testily.

He nods as he steps back into the house and closes the door behind him. I can hear his muffled voice as he shouts for Lakyn.

Deep breaths, Aftyn.

I decide to take a moment to compose myself and maybe try to swallow some of the anger that these shrieking banshees have bestowed on me by leaning against the side of the house and doing some breathing exercises.

It never really works when I’m this angry, but it’s better to try than not at all.

I watch as Willa reaches forward and shoves Daphne. Seems that good ol’ Wills has had enough of trying to see her side of things and she’s ready to get messy.

Tags: Yolanda Olson Romance