Page 35 of Anathema Codex

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The guy walks over to where his gal is standing, her hands on Willa’s arms, trying her best to console her, not realizing that the little shit that’s in front of her is probably deadlier than any wildlife that may be roaming the National Park.

Except for me.

That’s why I know that I can’t watch any longer and I have to get to Willa quickly. Even though she’s out for my blood right now, I can’t let anything happen to her—and I sure as fuck can’t afford her babbling what I did to Dexter to these jamokes.

I crack my neck when I reach the shore. My feet become caked by the dirt as I start to make my way toward them, completely unforgiving in what I’ve done to Willa.

I’ve learned through trial and error, that sometimes, an emotional assault can do much more damage than a physical one.

“Wills,” I call out when I’m close enough for her to hear me.

She pulls her arms out of the chick’s grip and snaps her head up to glare at me with a hatred that I had only ever seen from Mom before.

And it makes me smile.

Because even though Willa loves me in her own, fucked up way, she can still hate me just as much, if not even more.

“We should probably head back up to the—”

“Who are you?” the guy asks, taking a menacing step toward me. Seems he wants to be the knight in shining armor right now. Protect two pussies for the price of one, but he’s never met a dragon quite like me before.

“I hate you!” Willa suddenly screeches in a tone I’ve never heard from her. It’s wrought with despair, heartbreak, and ire. Even in the state that she’s in, it kinda warms my heart that she doesn’t take it out on me.

She knocks the chick over with as much force as she can muster. The chick lets out a scream as Wills puts her hands around her throat and starts to slam her head into the ground. Her guy turns around instantly to try and save his pussy, but that’s the only thing I needed.

A moment of distraction that causes him to forget that the dragon was still nearby.

I give him a kidney shot and when he hunches over in pain, I immediately loop an arm around his neck and pull him back against me. He’s too busy trying to breathe to struggle too much, and that’s just fine by me.

“I hate you! I hate you!” Willa keeps screaming as she continues to bash the chick’s head into the dirt and pebbles.

I shift slightly behind Mr. Bad Ass because watching Willa basically turn this bitch’s head to mush is getting me hard.

When Willa finally lets go of the dead girl’s throat, she gets to her feet shakily, and I tilt my head to admire her handywork.

“I think you missed a spot,” I tell her dryly.

She snaps her eyes at me, her lip trembling even harder than before, then she walks over to the bucket a few inches away from us. Reaching inside, she retrieves a folding bowie knife.

I take a step back and bring my human shield with me.

Nothing about the look in her eyes right now gives me confidence about what she’s thinking.

Maybe if I dribble a little white lie to let her know that he died happy, then—

A loud gurgle suddenly escapes from the guy that I’ve been using to protect myself from her.

A warm rush of something pooling at my feet and I know that Willa is nowhere near satisfied with the blood she’s spilled.

“I’m going to fucking kill you,” she seethes at me as she places a hand on the guy’s shoulder, right next to my forearm.

I take a deep breath and wait for the moment to present itself. And when it does, I push him toward Willa and take a few steps back.

I quickly scoop up one of the fishing poles and use my teeth to snap the wire so that I can roll it around my fist, making sure that the hook is at the top and wait.

I’m faster than Willa, but she’s more cunning, which means this may potentially suck more than it should.

Suddenly, her face crumples as she lets out another wail.

Tags: Yolanda Olson Romance