Page 63 of Worthy

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Okay, so maybe the commentators weren’t raving about his performance tonight, but in his head they sure as fuck were. It certainly felt like the best game of his life. Kit wasn’t in the stands, but he’d coaxed her into heading over to his place after work, and he was enjoying the thought of her curled up on his couch in those adorable pineapple pajamas, watching him play.

“Down boy,” he murmured when his cock pressed painfully against the cup he wore under his uniform. Giving himself a mental shake, he focused on the player approaching home plate.

Thoughts of Kit faded to the background as he watched number three roll his shoulders and lift the bat into position. Jameson stepped back on the mound, lifted his arms, and let the ball fly.

Strike one!

“That’s it, Jameson. Strike this guy out so I can get home to my woman.”

They still had one inning left, but if it went half as well as the rest of the game had so far, he had a good chance of getting some good, kinky fun in before she had to get to bed.

Another wind up and -Strike two!

Hell yeah. Grinning, Austin bounced on his toes as Jameson prepped for the next pitch. But this time, there was the unmistakablecrackof ball meeting bat. A line drive, straight for him. All he had to do was scoop it up and wing it to first. It was a play he’d made a hundred times.

But as soon as he twisted to dive for the ball, he knew something had gone horribly wrong. There was the unmistakable feel of something stretching too far, maybe even ripping, and a white-hot, blinding pain.

And hot on the heels of the physical pain was the soul-crushing fear that he’d just played his last game.

* * *


Leaning backin her office chair, Kit pushed her hands to the ceiling, trying to stretch out the muscles in her back that had tensed up during her marathon of a day. She’d told herself she’d gotten behind, and that was why she’d packed her day with meetings both in-person and virtual. But the truth was, she wasn’t looking forward to hanging out around Austin’s huge, empty house all by herself all night.

After a final, quick perusal of the file she had open on her laptop, she forced herself to close everything down and pack up. If his game hadn’t run over by too much, and if traffic was its usual shitty gridlock, she figured she’d get to his place about a half an hour or so before him.

It was just her luck that traffic was worse than usual. Glancing at the glowing numbers on her dash, she chewed her bottom lip as she weighed her options. She hadn’t actually planned on telling him what time she'd left, as he’d made it perfectly clear he wanted her out of the office by six every night. It was fine if she wanted to come home and work a little extra, but he didn’t like the idea of her staying at the office so late.

And considering it had been nearly eight before she’d powered down her laptop, she figured she’d be in for a hell of a lecture. Maybe even a spanking, but surely he’d let her off with a warning the first time, right?

Despite the fact that she was alone in the car, she could feel the blush warming her face when her panties instantly dampened. It was humiliating how her body seemed to crave his discipline. So far, she hadn’t earned anything close to what he’d given her at Black Light, but a couple thoughtless comments about her weight had earned her more than one sore bottom over the past few weeks.

Secretly, she loved it, at least after the fact. And, well, it probably wasn’t a secret from Austin since he always made it a point to comment on how wet she was after a spanking.

Tonight was his first home game after a string of away games, so maybe kicking things off with a good, hard paddling wouldn’t be too bad. The sex was always incredible afterwards. But she should at least call him and let him know she was running late.

Before she could hit the button on her in-car touchscreen, a call rang through and Austin’s name popped up on the screen.

Uh oh.

Tapping the button to answer, she forced herself to relax. Even if she was in trouble, it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. “Hey! Did your game end early?”

“Where are you?”

There was something in his voice, a dark edge that seemed disproportionate to her crimes. “Um. I’m on my way, I promise. Traffic was a nightmare.”

“Go home.”

“What? I’m less than fifteen minutes from your place. I’m not going home.”

“You don’t get a say in this, Katherine. Turn around and go home.”

Silence filled the car and with a shock, she realized he’d hung up on her.

What the hell had just happened?

In a daze, she maneuvered the car off the beltway, taking the first exit she came to. Parking the car at a gas station, she dug her phone out of her purse. Tapping the screen to open it, she noticed a handful of missed texts from Claudia.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance