Page 21 of Worthy

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“No, Sir. I want this. Please.”

Well, then, who was he to deny her? Lifting his hand, he swung it down, thecrackof skin meeting skin echoing around her living room, followed swiftly by her cry of surprise. It seemed like a bad idea to give her too much time to think, so he spanked her again, setting a fairly brisk pace as he peppered her ass with swats. At one particularly hard swat to her sit-spot, she jolted upward, but he braced a hand at the small of her back to hold her in place.

“Oh, shit that hurts!”

There was more surprise than distress in her tone, so he didn’t bother to slow down until her entire backside was covered in a beautiful shade of pink and she was squirming and whimpering under his hand. He paused then, running his hand over her heated skin. “Now, kitten. Are you going to explain that remark about being dropped on my head?”

Chapter 7


Too much.

It was all too much. The pain that had flared to life across her ass cheeks, the humiliation of being bent over and spanked like a naughty little girl, the unexpectedly fierce arousal throbbing between her thighs.

Too much. And still, somehow, not enough.

“Katherine? Are you going to answer me, little girl?”

Shit. She hadn’t even realized he was asking her a question. “Um, I don’t… could you repeat that?”

“Are you going to tell me why you asked about being dropped on my head when I said I’d been dreaming of fucking you?”

Good lord, that shouldn’t be so damn hot. But she had to bite back a moan at his words and the responding pulse of her pussy. “I don't really want to, Sir.”

“I know. But I need you to talk to me, baby.”

The pet name and the sweet, almost pleading tone chipped away at her walls until she felt them begin to crumble. Maybe she should stand up and gather what was left of her tattered dignity, but it was actually easier to talk to him when she didn’t have to look him in the eye.

“I don’t understand why you want me. I’m not skinny or sexy or beautiful.” Pretty, maybe. She had a good hand with makeup, and she took care of her appearance. Enough so that she would consider herself pretty most days. But not beautiful. Nowhere even approaching the level of gorgeous she usually associated with the women who married sports stars.

“Are you kidding me? You are so fucking sexy. This ass?” He cupped her heated flesh and squeezed, and this time she couldn’t hold back the moan. “I love the way it jiggles when I slap it. The way my fingers sink into it when I grab it. You’re sexy as fuck, kitten. And gorgeous. Smart as a fucking whip on top of it.”

“But you could have any woman you want.”

“I do have the woman I want. I have you.”

It was impossible to ignore the way he’d looked at her, like he could eat her alive and still be hungry for more. But what about when the novelty of fucking the fat girl wore off? What happened when he realized he wanted someone he could show off for the cameras and not be embarrassed by her or the inevitable comments people would make?

There was no way she could explain any of that to him, not without dying of humiliation. “I still just don’t understandwhy.”

Calloused fingers dug into her bottom and she hissed at the renewed flash of pain. “What did I tell you the other day, kitten? You don’t need to understand why. You just need to do as you’re told. And right now, that means getting that beautiful ass of yours in the bedroom so I can prove to you exactly how sexy I think you are.”

Longing and need filled her at his growled command. In a perfect world, she’d have the confidence to strut her half-naked self into her bedroom and let him have his way with her. But as soon as her mind conjured an image of her doing just that, all she could see were the dips and dimples of her thighs, the rolls of her belly, the flab in her arms.

“I can’t,” she whispered, her vision blurring as tears filled her eyes.


Disappointment flooded her, and a tear slipped down her nose, leaving a small wet mark on the upholstery.

“Right here works just as well. Spread your legs, kitten, so I can taste you.”

“Austin! That’s not what I meant!” She tried to push up off the couch when she felt him tugging her panties over her ass and down her legs, but he easily pinned her in place.

“Do not move, little girl.” His voice was a low, sexy growl that sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. “You stay right where you are until I give you permission to move.”

“I don’t need your permission to do anything, Austin Barrick.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance