Page 22 of Worthy

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Leaning in, his breath tickled the back of her neck as he spoke. “Pretty sure you stood right here a few minutes ago and agreed to be my woman, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes—”

“Then right now, you do need my permission to move. And it’s not Austin, or Mr. Barrick. It’s Sir. Understood?”

“No, I do not understand.”

“Hmm, what don’t you understand, kitten?” The teasing note in his voice set her antenna quivering a split second before his hand slipped between her thighs. “How much I want you? Or maybe you don’t understand how much you want me? You’re so fucking wet for me, baby.”

That wasn’t at all what she’d meant, but the pleasure flooding her at his simple touch stole the breath from her lungs and she couldn’t form the words to tell him so.

Behind her, he shifted, and the pressure on her back eased. But she didn’t move. Couldn’t move, because she was frozen in place as soon as she felt the hot, wet brush of his lips across the backs of her thighs.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful. I want to taste every inch of you.”

“That’s a lot of acreage to cover. Sure you have the time?”

Dread settled in her stomach as soon as the words left her lips. She braced for her punishment, but it didn’t keep her from crying out when his hand connected with her ass, harder and faster than before.

The spanking ended as abruptly as it had begun, leaving her breathless in its wake. A hand fisted in her hair, yanking her head back, and his low growl of a voice filled her ears. “That was a very naughty thing to say, Katherine. What happens to naughty little girls?”

“They get sp-spanked?”

“They do.” The hand in her hair tightened, pulling a whimper from her throat as her back arched and pain flashed at the base of her skull. “But when they’re especially naughty, that’s only the tip of the iceberg, kitten.Verynaughty girls get spanked until their bottoms are nice and red and welted, until they’re promising to be on their best behavior forever and ever. Then, they get their sore bottoms fucked good and hard. But you know what the real punishment is, baby?”


“They don’t get to come.”

Fuck. His words had already sent her senses into overdrive and the throbbing between her legs was nearing unbearable levels. If he didn’t give her some relief soon, she was going to die right there over the back of her couch, she was sure of it.

“I’ll be good, I promise. Forever and ever.”

Her desperate attempt at humor was met with a short, harsh bark of laughter. “The next time you say something nasty about yourself, you’ll get the exact punishment I just laid out for you. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Goddamn, I love the way that sounds. Now, I’m going to eat that pretty pussy of yours and you can moan or cry or scream all you want, but you will not say a word unless it’s to use your safe word.”

He didn’t ask if she understood before he moved behind her and pressed his lips to her thigh once more. She wanted to object, to warn him she hadn’t shaved in days, that she wasn’tprepared, but his warning echoed in her mind. And the overwhelming need his touch inspired overrode any desire to try and argue with him.

But then those strong, callused hands, the same hands that had spanked and caressed her earlier, gripped her bottom cheeks and spread her wide, exposing every inch of her most secret places to his view.


“Are you allowed to speak, little girl?”

“No, but—”

“Then I’ll have to punish you, won’t I?”

Oh, god. Was he really going to fuck herthere?

She jumped when his hand appeared in front of her face. “Open your mouth, kitten. You’re going to prep my fingers for your punishment.”

For a moment, she simply stared at his fingers, not comprehending his words. When his meaning finally clicked, she felt her eyes grow wide and she shook her head wildly.

“What did you put down for anal play on your homework, baby?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance