Page 12 of Worthy

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And it was worth the brief separation just for the sweet, hesitant smile she greeted him with when he returned. There were layers to his little kitten, and he couldn’t wait to peel them all away until he found her core, the self she kept hidden from the world under that no-nonsense attitude and those stuffy suits.

There was a fiery, passionate woman buried deep inside Katherine Callahan, and he wasn’t going to rest until he’d exposed her.

Chapter 5


The burger was everything she’d been anticipating. Thick, juicy patties, perfectly melted cheese, slabs of crispy bacon. And the fries, good lord, a girl might be tempted to do some dirty, awful things for those beer battered potatoes.

Heat crept up her cheeks as she bit into another crispy, salty fry. She almosthaddone some dirty, awful things for this dinner.

And she didn’t even feel bad about it.

Embarrassed, maybe. But the shame she’d expected to feel never really came. Instead, she felt strangely empowered. The knowledge of what she and Austin had shared, out in the open, and yet without anybody’s knowledge, was a strangely heady feeling.

“Penny for your thoughts, kitten.”

Oh, hell no. There was no way she was telling him she’d been daydreaming about him touching her. But judging by the glint in his eye when she looked up at him, he didn’t need her confession.

Since she didn’t want to tempt him into doing something else outrageous by lying to him again, she dodged the question. “You’ll need to get some additional documents together for me before our meeting next week. Should I send the list to you or your agent?”

“Ask Mary. She knows where to find all that stuff. And I know you weren’t thinking about work, not with that pretty blush on your face.”

“I’m thinking about work now, Mr. Barrick.” His brows drew together at the use of his last name and she had to fight back a grin. It was fun to tease him. At least, it was fun here, where he couldn’t really do anything about it. His previous threats still lingered in the back of her mind, and she briefly wondered what he would do if she provoked him in private.

“And I’m thinking about you spread out on your desk, naked, begging me to let you come.”

The heat in her cheeks suddenly seemed to engulf her entire body. “You’re assuming a lot about our relationship, Mr. Barrick.”

Something flickered across his face, but before she could place it, the charming smile flashed again. “I know. It’s not my usual style. But you make me forget my manners, kitten.”

“Focus, Mr. Barrick.”

“I am, Ms. Callahan.”

But not on his finances. No, he was completely, one hundred percent focused onher. Couldn’t he text someone, check his social media, take a call—something to pull even an ounce of his scrutiny away from her?

“Austin, I…”

“Here’s your check. Y’all let me know if you need anything else.”

Kit nearly sighed with relief when the surly waitress gave her the distraction she’d been hoping for, before she spilled all her deepest, darkest secrets right there in the middle of a damn diner.

“I can cover my half,” she said when Austin reached for the slip of paper on the table.

“Nope. Dinner was my suggestion, so I’ll pay.”

Warmth filled her at the easy refusal. “Thank you. I’ll get the next one.”

A slow smile spread across his face, knocking the breath from her lungs. God, the man was gorgeous. “Are you asking me out, kitten?”

Gathering her courage, she lifted her gaze to his impossibly blue eyes. “I suppose I am.”

“Just name the time and place.”

“Saturday,” she said, not giving herself a chance to overthink it. “You could come over after the game. I’ll make you dinner.”

His smile transformed to a knowing grin. “You know my schedule, Ms. Callahan?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance