Page 11 of Worthy

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Before she could decide if she really wanted him to tell her, the waitress popped back up in front of the table. “Y’all decide what you want yet?” she asked, boredom and irritation coloring her words.

“We’ll both have the bacon cheeseburger,” Austin said, ignoring Kit’s glare. “And a chocolate milkshake with two straws. We’re celebrating.”

“Congratulations,” she drawled without a hint of excitement as she scribbled down their order and turned on her heel.

Turning her head, Kit narrowed her eyes at him. “What if I don’t want a bacon cheeseburger?”

“You said you wanted a cheeseburger. If you don’t want the bacon, then more for me.”

“I don’t need a milkshake.”

“Sure, you do.” His grin flashed, simultaneously filled with boyish charm and smug satisfaction. “You landed Austin Barrick as a client today. That calls for a celebratory treat. Besides, I promised you a reward and I don’t think you’re ready for the rewards I normally give.”

Deliberately ignoring both his ego-stroking and the not-so-subtle comment about herreward, she scowled at him. “Still, you shouldn’t have ordered for me without asking.”

“I could apologize, but I won’t.” A wicked gleam lit his eyes. “I wanted her out of our hair.”


“So I could see if you were lying to me.”

“I wasn’t lying.”

“Hmmm. And if I told you to spread your legs so I could test my theory? What would I find?”

His voice was low enough nobody could have heard him, but to her ears he might as well have been screaming. “You wouldn’t.”

A warm, calloused hand rested on her thigh, pushing her skirt higher up her leg. “I could. And you’d let me, wouldn’t you? Because underneath the prim, proper businesswoman, you’re just a good girl desperate to please.”

The hand on her thigh slid higher, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “Austin, this is inappropriate.”

“Yeah. But it’s fun.”

There was no point in denying it since her heart was pounding against her ribcage and her thighs were now slick with her arousal. Anybody could look over and see them. She’d die of embarrassment if she didn’t implode first.

“Are you going to tell me the truth, kitten? Or do I have to find out for myself?”

His hand inched higher and the blood rushing in her ears drowned out the noise of the diner. When the tips of his fingers brushed against her outer lips, she grabbed his wrist. “Yes,” she hissed at him, pushing at his arm. “Yes, I’m… you know.”

“Say it, kitten.” His voice was a low rumble that seemed to go straight to her clit. “Tell me how wet you are.”

“Oh my god. I’m… I’m wet, okay?” Wetter than she’d ever been in her fucking life, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. “Happy?”

Pulling his hand away, he gave her thigh a squeeze and brushed a kiss across her cheek. “Good girl. I’m going to go wash my hands. Keep those legs spread for me until I get back.”

A low whine escaped her before she pressed her lips together and glared up at him. With another kiss to her cheek, he slid from the booth and headed for the men’s room.

* * *


He hadn’t meantto move so fast. But when she’d looked up at him with suspicion burning in those gorgeous brown eyes and demanded to know what he was “angling for”, common sense had taken a back seat to the need to claim, to conquer.

And he couldn’t seem to muster up any guilt over it, even though he was pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior. He knew from his quick perusal of the restaurant that they were hidden enough nobody could see what was actually going on under the table, but it had still been a risk. One he normally wouldn’t have taken until she’d agreed in no uncertain terms to be his, to follow his rules, to obey without argument.Soon, he promised himself, shifting in his seat in a vain attempt to ease the pressure of his zipper pressing against his erection.

For now, he’d have to settle for knowing she was bare and wet under that business suit, even as his mind conjured images of what she’d look like as he peeled it from her lush curves. It didn’t ease the ache in his cock any, but it soothed the beast inside of him, the one demanding he stake his claim as soon as possible.

It killed him to slide off the worn vinyl and force his feet to carry him across the restaurant to the bathroom, but he didn’t have much choice.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance