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Chef Connor Blackburn turned away from the open door through which Hayleigh had just disappeared. The other staff members took their cue and began making their way out of the office. Sadie, however, simply pulled her panties back up over her bottom and smiled at the pair of them.

Nanny J stopped at the doorway and turned to gesture for Sadie to follow her. “Sadie. Don’t be nosy.”

“I’m not!”

Derek frowned down at her. “Sadie, do you want another spanking for not listening properly?”

Pigtails flying back and forth, Sadie covered her bottom with both hands. “No, Daddy.”

“Then I suggest you go with Nanny J.”

Pouting, Sadie allowed herself to be led from the room, leaving Connor alone with his boss.

“Did you need something?” Connor asked, trying – and failing – to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

Moving behind his desk, Derek gestured to one of the visitor’s chairs. “Sit.”

“I really should get back to the kitchen.”

“Sit.” His voice was firmer, which piqued Connor’s curiosity. He was well aware Derek gave him more latitude than his other employees, which everyone knew was thanks to Connor’s award-winning chocolate mousse.

Giving in to his curiosity, Connor dropped down into the chair across from Derek. “Yes?”

Derek studied him for several long seconds before speaking. “How do you feel about the punishments I handed out this afternoon?”

Leaning back in his chair, Connor gave himself a moment to consider his response before he spoke. Although he’d never had an issue with Derek, and he’d always felt he could speak his mind, questioning a man’s decision on how to discipline a submissive in his care was shaky ground. “I have no concerns about your ability to handle your wife.”

Derek raised an eyebrow. “And Hayleigh?”

An image of Hayleigh’s curvy bottom wiggling over his knee, turning pink under his hand flashed into his mind. It was a fantasy he’d indulged in regularly over the past six months or so since Hayleigh had come to the Ranch. While he’d had ample opportunity to take a spoon to her bottom when she’d been on kitchen duty in the past, he’d never had the pleasure of delivering a full, bare-bottom spanking.

Pushing the fantasy aside, he refocused on his boss. “What about Hayleigh?”

“Do you think the punishment I gave her was sufficient?”

“I’m not here to question how you handle your Littles, Derek.”

“And under most circumstances, I wouldn’t expect you to. I’m asking you, as the person responsible for the kitchen, if you feel Hayleigh deserves any additional punishment for her part in the prank. And I would appreciate your complete honesty, Connor.”

“Way to put a guy on the spot,” Connor muttered, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. “If you’re asking if I think she deserves a damn good spanking, then yes. She let Sadie talk her into something that could have been disastrous for the Ranch’s reputation.”

“And yours.”

Unable to argue, Connor inclined his head. “It’s no secret I take pride in my kitchen, Derek.”

Derek grinned widely. “Everyone knows not to mess with your kitchen.”

“Except your wife, apparently.”

“Oh, Sadie knows better. And if I had to guess, she planned this whole thing in part to get your attention.”

“My attention?” Connor asked, frowning in confusion. Why the hell would Sadie want or need his attention?

“Yes. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time my little Sadie thought pranks were the key to playing matchmaker.”


Chuckling, Derek raised an eyebrow. “Are you just going to keep repeating what I say?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance