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With a long-suffering sigh, Master Derek shifted his attention to Hayleigh. “And what exactly was your part in all of this, Hayleigh Anne?”

Nerves made butterflies dance in her tummy. “I, um, pretended to be sick so Sadie could take me to the nurse.”

“I’m very disappointed in both of you.” Crossing his arms over his broad chest, he looked from one girl to the other and shook his head. “All right. Sadie, you are going over my knee right now for a hard, bare-bottom spanking. And tonight, we’ll be having another discussion before bed.”

Judging by the way Sadie’s face paled, that discussion was also going to be taking place over her Daddy’s knee.

“Hayleigh, you are grounded for the rest of the day and you have breakfast duty tomorrow morning. I’ll let Chef decide if he would like to add to either of your punishments once we are done here.”

Great. Breakfast duty with the man of her dreams, who currently wouldn’t even look at her. Willing back a fresh wave of tears, Hayleigh nodded her understanding. “Yes, sir.”

“All right.” With a brisk nod, he pulled a straight-backed chair away from the wall and positioned it in the middle of the room. “Come here, Sadie.”

Whimpering at the order, Sadie shuffled over to her Daddy’s side. In no time at all, she was positioned over his lap, with her plaid skirt flipped up over her back and her panties bunched around her knees.

“You know I don’t mind your pranks most of the time, little girl. But pulling pranks on our guests is never allowed and you know it.”

The first swat echoed around the office like a gunshot, and Sadie nearly jumped off her Daddy’s knee. A sound somewhere between a gasp and a squeal let everyone in the room know she hadn’t been prepared for the force of the swat.

From her vantage point to the side of Master Derek, Hayleigh had a perfect view of her friend’s pale bottom, and the bright pink handprint now blossoming on her fair skin. A voice in her head whispered that she should look away, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to shift her gaze from the sight.

During her time at the Ranch, she’d witnessed plenty of spankings, and God knew she’d seen Sadie getting her bottom roasted more than once. But she’d never had quite such an intimate view of the process.

Master Derek’s hand connected with his naughty wife’s bottom again, and the sound snapped Hayleigh out of her reverie. Twin handprints now marked her friend’s skin, but only for a moment before Master Derek layered another swat over the first handprint.

Somewhere around the half dozen mark, the hairs on the back of Hayleigh’s neck stood up. Risking a glance to her right, she found Chef staring at her, his jaw set in a way that turned her knees to jelly. Heat crept up her neck to her cheeks, and she just knew her entire face was turning red, but she couldn’t look away. Something about his gaze, the hardness in his eyes wouldn’t let her escape.

Sadie’s wails of remorse finally pulled his attention from her and Hayleigh blew out a shaky breath. Master Derek capped the spanking with several hard swats to the place where Sadie’s bottom and thighs met and Hayleigh winced in sympathy. Those swats always hurt the most and Sadie’s poor bottom was already bright pink.

“I trust we won’t need to have this discussion again, Sadie Marie?”

“N-no, Daddy. I’m s-sorry!”

“Good girl. Go apologize to Chef.”

With a soft whine, Sadie pushed herself up off of her Daddy’s lap and shuffled over to stand in front of Chef. “Sorry I ruined your lunch, Chef.”

His arms were still crossed, but his voice had lost some of its edge when he replied. “Apology accepted, Sadie.”

Was it her imagination or did he put extra emphasis on Sadie’s name? As if he were letting Hayleigh know she wasn’t forgiven yet?

Of course she wasn’t forgiven yet! She couldn’t be forgiven until she’d been punished, and her punishment wasn’t over until tomorrow. And it wasn’t even a fair punishment. She was getting off way too easily, and she was certain everyone knew it. The tears she’d been keeping at bay slipped down her cheeks and she quickly swiped them away.

“Hayleigh.” Master Derek’s quiet voice forced her attention back to him. “You will spend the rest of the day and night in your room. Nanny J will bring your dinner to you. I expect you to be on time, with a smile on your face when you report for breakfast duty in the morning. Understood?”

Swallowing against the lump in her throat, Hayleigh nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Come here, sweetie.”

When he opened his arms, she threw herself into his embrace. “Are you going to be a good girl and not let yourself get caught up in Sadie’s shenanigans again?”

“I’ll try, sir.”

His laugh vibrated in his chest and he gave her a final hard squeeze before releasing her. “You’re excused, Hayleigh.”

Although she hadn’t been told to, she stopped in front of Chef on her way out the door and managed to mumble “Sorry” before turning and hurrying out of the office.

“Chef? May I have a word with you, please?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance