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“Well, um, Sadie said she thought it would be fun to have a food fight and it just seemed like fun ‘cause I’ve never had one before so I threw some mashed potatoes at her.”

“You thought it would be fun to make a huge mess in my restaurant and ruin dinner for several of our guests?”

The temper in his voice nearly brought her to tears, and a small voice in the back of her mind was screaming at her to tell him why they’d really started the food fight. But at this point she was worried it would just make him angrier, so she settled for shrugging her shoulders. “I didn’t think of it like that. I’m sorry.”

“Baby, you don’t even know what sorry feels like yet.” Reaching down, he picked up a bag she hadn’t even noticed sitting at his feet. The Ranch logo stamped on the paper bag indicated it was from the gift shop, and her stomach twisted into knots. All the implements in his closet and he had to go buy something new? That didn’t bode well for her bottom.

But it wasn’t a paddle or a flogger or any kind of implement he pulled from the bag. It was a long, fluffy black tail, attached to a shiny metal plug. Next came a set of ears, then a sleek black leotard, followed by what looked like knee pads. Lastly, a leash and collar set in the same black as the tail, trimmed with gold.

When everything was laid out on the bed, his cool, stern gaze met hers again. “If you can’t behave yourself like the good little girl I know you are, then maybe spending the day as Daddy’s naughty little kitten will teach you some manners. I had already set aside my morning for paperwork, so you will join me in my office. You will not speak unless you need to use your safeword. Questions?”

“You’re not gonna spank me?”

“Oh, I am definitely going to spank you. Tonight, right before you take Daddy in your bottom for the very first time.”

Everything about the punishment he’d outlined was designed to humiliate her. And it was working already. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks and the butterflies in her tummy.

And the steadythumpof her heartbeat between her soaked thighs. Never in her life had she been so equally terrified and completely turned on by a punishment.

“I need you to understand that you’re not just a Little on the Ranch anymore, Hayleigh. You’re my little girl, my partner, and your behavior reflects directly on me. I know you’re going to get into mischief and you’re going to play pranks. I want you to have fun. But we’ve already received several complaints from people demanding refunds or at least some kind of compensation after last night. These restaurants are the second most important thing in my life, after you. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this Ranch, and I need to know that after today, you and Sadie will keep my restaurants out of your shenanigans.”

Silent tears slipped down her cheeks. “We will. I’m really sorry. It was stupid.”

“It wasn’t stupid. It was reckless, and impulsive, but not stupid. And you’re still my good girl, even if you are in a whole heap of trouble right now. This punishment is going to push your limits a bit, but I still love you. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Let’s get that bottom plugged and then we can finish getting you dressed.”

Taking a deep breath, she stretched out over his thighs. She didn’t have to wait long before the sound of him opening the lubricant bottle met her ears. Face buried in her arms on the bed, she let her breath out slowly as she felt his finger push inside of her.

Even though it was a punishment and she knew he was still furious with her, he was gentle as he worked his finger into her bottom, coating her inner walls with the lubricant. Then his finger withdrew, and cold metal took its place.

The plug was small enough it barely registered once he had it seated inside of her. What did register was the soft fur brushing across the backs of her thighs. Lifting her hips, she gave an experimental wiggle and she let out a hum of pleasure at the soft tickle.

“My naughty kitty is enjoying her punishment a little too much. You’re soaking wet, baby.”

She couldn’t deny it, and she instinctively knew he’d deny any attempt on her part to get the release her body craved, so she stayed silent as his large hand stroked her bottom. Even though each soft caress practically made her gush, she wouldn’t beg. She’d earned this punishment and she would take whatever he felt she needed.

“On your knees, kitty. Daddy needs to go wash his hands.”

She slid from his lap to the floor, folding her hands behind her back as she positioned herself with her knees spread and her spine straight.

“There’s my good girl.” Taking his seat on the bed again, he gave her an affectionate scratch behind her ears.

The simple touch settled her jumping tummy and she tilted her head to brush her cheek against his palm.

“I think I owe Headmaster Jenkins a bottle of scotch,” Connor said, his lips spreading in a wide grin. “I’m definitely going to enjoy having my own little kitty-girl for the day.”

Pulling his hand away, he reached for the ears next. She lifted her hands to help him place them, but he stopped her with a single look.

“Kitties don’t dress themselves,” he scolded gently as he settled the headband in her hair.

With the ears in place, he guided her to her feet and helped her into the leotard next. It had a discreet slit in the back that allowed her tail to push through. Next were the pads for her knees and her hands, which confirmed her fear that he was going to make her crawl all day. Thank goodness she’d always been fairly strict about working out and staying fit, even before she’d come to the Ranch.

When she was fully dressed, he pointed to the floor. Taking her cue, she lowered herself back to her knees in front of him.

“One last piece and then we can go.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance