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Chapter 13

It was nearlymidnight before the kitchen and restaurant were deemed clean by Connor’s standards. Hayleigh could feel every muscle in her body screaming at her as the golf cart bumped along up to his house and she was fighting to keep her eyes open.

“Come on, jellybean. Let’s get you into the shower and into bed.”

“But…” she trailed off when he cupped her cheek with his hand.

“Baby, you’re exhausted. And frankly, disgusting. Our discussion can wait until morning.”

“I’m not disgusting,” she protested as he helped her out of the cart and into the house. “Just a little sweaty.”

“A lot sweaty. But you did a really good job getting everything cleaned up.”

In the bathroom, she swayed side to side as he peeled her leggings and panties down her legs and pulled her shirt up over her head. “I’m really, really sorry, Daddy. Are you still mad?”

“Well, I’m definitely not happy, jellybean. That was a very naughty thing that you did. What on earth made you think that was a good idea?”

“I dunno.”

Shaking his head, Connor flipped on the shower and tested the water before guiding her under the steaming spray. “Well you better think of a better explanation than that to get you out of the spanking you have coming.”

“I really am sorry, Daddy.”

“I know. Turn around so Daddy can wash your hair.”

The feel of his fingers massaging her scalp, and the gentle tug and pull as he scrubbed and rinsed and conditioned her hair nearly lulled her to sleep. When they were both clean, he helped her out of the shower and scrubbed every inch of her dry while she yawned and blinked widely, trying to stay awake.

“Daddy?” she asked as they climbed into bed together.

“What is it, baby?”

“Are you ever going to tell me why you were acting weird earlier?”

“Go to sleep, jellybean.”

It wasn’t an answer, but she was too tired to stay awake and argue. Whatever it was, she could figure it out in the morning.

The moment her eyes opened the next morning, Hayleigh tried to will herself back to sleep. Getting up meant facing her Daddy and whatever punishment he had planned for her. But her nervous system went into overdrive and she knew it would be pointless.

And just as she’d decided to get up, Connor walked into the bedroom. Her sweet, gentle Daddy from the night before had disappeared. Any lingering hope she’d had of him letting her off with a lecture disappeared when she saw the expression on his face.

“Have you used the potty yet?”

Oh, geez. Shehatedthe word potty, even when she was Little. “No,” she replied sullenly.

“Go and meet me back in here when you’re done so we can get started.”

“Get started?”

“Now, Hayleigh Anne.”

Startled by the harshness of his tone, she hopped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. She took as much time as she dared, but when she heard him call “One!” from the bedroom, she rushed back to stand in front of him.

“Tell me what happened last night.”

“I dunno,” she mumbled, dropping her gaze to the floor.

“Eyes on me,” Connor snapped. He waited until she dragged her eyes back up to meet his before he continued. “That is not an acceptable answer and I think you know it. Try again, little girl.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance