Page 7 of Daddy's Way

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“What, Daddy?”

“I need you to come to me, and be honest with me if I’m not being the daddy you need. You’re not to act out at work to try and get my attention. And to make sure you remember that, you’re going to write ‘I will be honest with Daddy’ fifty times and ‘I will not act like a brat at work’ fifty times.”

Her lower lip pushed out, and he couldn’t resist leaning in and capturing her lips with his own. The taste of her was better than the sweetest wine. She sighed into the kiss and when her arms came up to loop around his neck, he nearly gave in to his need for her.

But his little girl still had some lessons to learn. And since this whole fiasco was partly his fault, it only seemed fair for him to suffer right along with her. Reluctantly, he pulled away and broke the kiss.

“Let’s get those lines started and Daddy will go make dinner.”

Still pouting, she stood and shuffled over to her desk. He followed behind, carrying the chair back to its rightful place. Olivia wrinkled her nose before looking longingly at the pillows on the bed and then back at him, her question clear in her eyes.

“No, Livvy. I want you to feel how much your bottom hurts and think about that while you’re writing your lines.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she conceded with a sigh before lowering herself into the chair. She winced when her bottom pressed into the unforgiving wood. He gave her a minute to squirm before he placed the paper and pencil in front of her.

“Fifty of each, Livvy. What happens if you don’t finish before I come back upstairs?”

“I get another spanking.”

“With?” he prompted gently.

“Your belt,” she whispered, her wary gaze landing on the thick leather encircling his waist.

“That’s right. One for each line you don’t finish. You better get started, little one.”

She sighed, but picked up her pencil without argument and started writing. Leaning down, he pressed another kiss to her hair and left to go make dinner for his favorite girl.

Chapter Three

When the door shutbehind her daddy, Olivia sighed loudly and shifted in her chair, trying her best to take some of the pressure off her burning bottom.

As much as it hurt, she couldn’t really complain. She’d wanted her daddy back, and that was exactly what she’d gotten. It still sucked that she had to write stupid lines, though. She hated lines, something her daddy was well aware of.

I will be honest with Daddy.Her tummy clenched as she wrote the words for a fifth time. She hadn’t been honest with him, and now she knew it had hurt him as much as it hurt her.

“Stupid,” she muttered under her breath. A single tear slipped down her nose and plopped on the paper.

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic