Page 6 of Daddy's Way

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“Daddy’s going to make sure you’re a good girl from now on.”

The small whimper that escaped from her lips had him hardening uncomfortably. Ignoring his own discomfort, he raised his hand and brought it down on her bottom with a smack that echoed in the small room.

He gave himself a moment to enjoy the feel of her bottom giving way under his hand. To appreciate her little gasp of surprise, and the sting in his own palm before he focused on giving his little girl the spanking she needed. He spanked fast and hard, not giving her time to recover from one swat before he laid down the next. Olivia wiggled over his knee, her bottom jiggling with each swat.

“Ow! Daddy, stop!”

Her feet drummed against the floor as she struggled, and damned if it wasn’t the cutest thing he’d ever seen.

“Daddy will stop when you’ve learned your lesson, little girl.”

“I—ow!—I have! Please, Daddy!”

It really was adorable how she thought they were done when he hadn’t even pulled her pajama bottoms down. James paused long enough to do exactly that, chuckling at the pale purple cotton against her olive-toned skin. “Were you hoping wearing my favorite color would earn you some leniency, Livvy?”

“Maybe,” she admitted, twisting her torso around to grin up at him.

“Cheeky brat.” Because he knew she’d be disappointed if her ploy worked, he put a little extra force behind the next flurry of swats.

Howling, Olivia kicked her feet up to cover her bottom and he paused the spanking to frown at the disobedient form draped over his knee. Had it been so long since he’d punished her that she’d forgotten the rules?

“Olivia Jane. Put your feet on the floor right this minute.”

“But Daddy, it hurts!”

He hardened his heart against the long, plaintive wail. “At the risk of sounding cliché, it’s supposed to hurt, little girl. Feet down or we finish with my belt.”

The threat was enough to have her dropping her feet to the floor immediately. He picked up where he left off, and the room filled with the sounds of his hand connecting with her bottom and her pitiful cries.

By the time he paused again, she was panting and whimpering over his knee. He could see the bright pink of her bottom peeking out from beneath her panties. But they weren’t finished. She wasn’t where she needed to be, and he’d promised her a bare bottom spanking. If he didn’t deliver on his promise, she wouldn’t trust him to keep his word on anything else they’d discussed.

So he blocked out her whimpers of distress and slipped her panties down to her knees. When his hand connected with her bare bottom, her whimpers turned to shrieks.

Now he took his time, letting each swat sink in before layering the next on top of it. When she reached a hand back to protect her bottom from the onslaught, he easily grabbed her wrist and pinned it to her back.

“Daddy! Please!”

James tightened his grip on her hand, firmly pinning her in place while he seared her bottom with firm, well-placed swats. When he heard her breath begin to hitch, he moved lower, focusing his attention on the sensitive curve of her lower bottom. He wanted to be sure she felt his love for her when she sat down to write her lines.

It only took a dozen on her sit-spots to bring on the tears. His little girl went limp over his knee, sobbing as though her heart was breaking. After another six solid swats, he helped her up so she could curl up on his lap.

“Shhh, little one. There’s my good girl. I’m so proud of how you took your spanking.”

“Hurts,” she said, her voice little more than a whimper. Sniffling pitifully, she pressed her face into his neck.

“I know. But don’t you feel so much better now?”

“No. My bottom hurts.”

Chuckling at her petulant protests, he pressed a kiss to the top of her hair. “Well, how does your heart feel?”

She sighed and snuggled in closer. James closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of having his little girl in his arms again.

“It’s better,” she eventually admitted. “I’m sorry I was so bad.”

“You weren’t bad. Sit up, little one.”

She obeyed, wincing when her tender bottom pressed against the stiff denim of his jeans. Cupping her cheek with one hand, his eyes locked with hers. “I love you. And I’m sorry I didn’t see how badly you needed me. From now on, I’ll try to pay better attention. But I need something from you, too.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic