Page 51 of Touch Me

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Reaper definitely knows what I like to eat and makes sure I have it when I want it.

“Feed our baby, and then you can rest when we get to the clubhouse.”

Nodding my head, I pop two fries in my mouth after dipping them in the gravy. I ignore everything around me as I dig into the delicious food sitting in front of me. Reaper doesn’t even try to hold my hand as he drives us back to the clubhouse. He lets me eat my lunch using both hands as we make the short drive. As we head back to the clubhouse, there’s really no traffic in town. It takes us less than fifteen minutes to get back there. I still have plenty of food left to eat once we get Marsha and her diaper bag out and make our way into the common room.

As soon as Reaper parks on the opposite side of the door from the bikes, I close my food container and place it back in the bag. He leans over the center and pulls me in for a deep kiss. Our kiss seems to go on forever as everything disappears and fades into the background. When we finally pull apart, he leans his forehead against mine, and we just enjoy our moment together. Marsha is sleeping in the backseat, and it’s just a minute for the two of us before we head inside and announce our baby. I hope everyone is excited for us and wants to be a part of this journey. I’m not sure many will walk away. Reaper has done everything in his power to make the members of this club a family. The men all support one another and show this daily by offering their strength when one of the guys is going through something. Not to mention, I’ve never seen so many men come together during the loss of family members. It was truly something amazing to see.

“Let’s get inside so you can finish eatin’,” Reaper finally says, pulling away and grabbing the bag of food.

He opens the back door and gets Marsha out before I grab the diaper bag. With everything we need in hand, Reaper leads me inside the clubhouse. As soon as the door shuts behind us, he’s calling out for everyone’s attention.

“We’re havin’ a baby!” he calls out once the guys and a few Fallen Girls are silent.

Cheers and clapping fill the air as Marsha stirs in her car seat. We sit at one of the tables where Titan, Trax, and Savage are already sitting. Reaper hands me the bag of food, and I pull out my container before handing it back. Greg rushes over to us with a bottle of water and a beer. He gives his congratulations with a small smile as his cheeks turn red from blushing. I swear, Greg is the only man I’ve ever seen in my life who actually blushes, and he’s in his early twenties. It’s adorable, though I won’t be telling him that. No man wants to hear you think he’s adorable because he still blushes.

Digging into my food, I blank out the conversation going on around me between the men. My only focus is what I’m currently shoving into my mouth and keeping an eye on Marsha from her spot on the floor between Reaper and me. At least until Rebel comes over. She pulls me in for a hug while looking down at the little girl.

“Can I watch her for a little while?” she asks, her voice unsure.

“Of course you can,” I tell her, watching as she picks the car seat up along with her diaper bag and heads to Pound’s room.

“She’s still so upset,” Titan says, watching over Rebel until she disappears. “We need to help her somehow.”

“Everyone grieves in their own way. Alex has been spendin’ time with her, and if she thinks we need to step in, she’ll let us know,” Reaper tells him as I start eating again.

As we’re eating, Reaper’s phone goes off, and he takes the call without moving away from us. It must not be club business since I still sit at the table. He listens intently, leaning back in his chair and ignoring everything around him for several minutes before hanging up and looking at all of us. Again he calls for everyone to quiet before starting to speak.

“That was one of our contacts in town. A young family just lost everythin’ when their house caught on fire and burned to the ground. The family comprises the mom, dad, a toddler, and an infant. They just lost everythin’ in their world,” Reaper tells us as my eyes fill with tears for the young family.

“We need to do something to help,” I state, pushing my food away even though I’m still hungry. “Maybe we can have a ride or somethin’ to help them out. Donate all the proceeds from the ride, have an auction of some sort, a baked goods sale, there’s a ton of things we can do to help this family.”

“You want to help them?” Titan asks me, raising one of his eyebrows in question.

“Of course I do. They need to see once again how willing you all are to help one of the community members out when they’re in need, along with these community members who have accepted me and are still supporting me even after the raid in the middle of a class. I will do anything I can to help show my support for them,” I state, my voice filling with excitement and concern at the thought of helping a family when they’re at their absolute lowest point.

“Alright, dancer,” Reaper says, smiling as he leans over to kiss my temple. “You put somethin’ together, and we’ll help anyway we can. All you Fallen girls are to help Alex with whatever she needs. I’m sure Rebel and Gram would love to help organize it with you too.”

With a smile, I look at the women and men in this room with me. They’re nodding, and I can’t help but believe I see a little respect in their eyes for me sticking up for a family I don’t even know just because they live in the small town of Clinton, where I’m proud to now call my home. Ideas are filling my head with what we can do to raise money and gather other donations they’ll need. Starting with getting them somewhere to stay for the time being if they don’t have anywhere else to go. That’s the most important thing right now, along with making sure the infant has formula, they have clean clothes to put on, and a few other necessities in the meantime.

“I’m gonna go shopping. Can you see if you can find out where the family is now?” I ask Reaper as I stand from the table. “Mind if I take Rebel with me?”

“Take her. The Prospects and Fallen girls can cover the bar for a while. I’ll let you know where they are.”

I now have something good to use Troy’s tainted money for. The money I gained from his death will go toward helping this young family amid a tragedy. This is how I’ll use his money to feel good about where it’s going. People are in need every single day, and I have the means to help them. I’ll also donate a portion to help build the domestic violence compound onto the back of the club’s already enormous yard.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance