Page 50 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty-Six


IT’S BEEN A few weeks since I learned not only did my father die of a heart attack, but Troy was killed in jail. Part of me feels horrible because I don’t feel a single ounce of remorse or sadness about them being dead. The majority of me feels nothing but relief. My mother will never have to suffer another second of her life at my father’s hands. I won’t welcome her into my life because of the way she simply sat back and did nothing when the asshole treated me like shit. She burned her bridge with me because of that, and I can’t help how I feel about her now. Troy being dead is a blessing. Now I don’t have to deal with him drawing out the divorce proceedings just to be a dumb fuck. His lawyer has been in contact with me already and lets me know everything is mine. The house, cars, and all the money he left behind belong to me. To say his mistress is pissed would be an understatement.

The day Troy’s lawyer called me, I went with Reaper and a few guys from the club to the house I shared with the vile man known as my husband. Troy’s mistress was lounging around the house until we walked in. She tried to flirt shamelessly with Reaper and the others with us. That was the first reason she was pissed as fuck; they wanted nothing to do with her and blatantly ignored her. Then, I started throwing her shit out of the house. She screamed, cried, and called the police to come help her. They were on my side and made her leave. I changed the locks that day and called a real estate agent to put the house on the market. Whatever it sells for will be put in an account to collect interest—along with the rest of the money. The bitch known as Troy’s mistress called his lawyer and demanded I hand over his money to her. According to her, it’s hers since she’s carrying his child and will need something to raise the child with. I don’t give a shit. It might make me a bitch, but she came into my home and treated me like shit because it made Troy treat her better. She can suffer now.

I haven’t been feeling very good over the last few weeks. Reaper has been on my ass to go see a doctor because he’s worried about me and everything I’ve been doing. I’m worried, too, because I don’t want to get little Marsha sick with her being so damn young. This morning I got up and got sick, making Reaper worry even more. He made sure the diaper bag was ready and helped me get dressed before carting us to the doctor’s office in town so I can get checked out. Honestly, I’m too damn exhausted to argue with him, so I let Reaper do what he needs to do.

Going into the back of the doctor’s office, the nurse checks out my vitals and asks me to leave a sample in the bathroom for them to check out. Reaper is already waiting in the exam room with baby Marsha sitting on his lap. Sitting on the exam table, the nurse lets us know the doctor will be in soon. My man has made sure I’m being seen by the club doctor’s daughter today. Her name is Dixie, and she has helped the club out on more than one occasion when her dad couldn’t get there, from what he’s told me. All I know is she’s someone the club trusts, and that’s what’s important to me.

“Are you feelin’ any better, dancer?” Reaper asks me as he plays with Marsha.

“No. I’m so damn tired. All I want is to crawl in bed and sleep for a week.”

“When we’re done here, we’ll get whatever you need and head back home. I’ll hang out with the baby so you can sleep,” he tells me, looking me in the eyes and making me fall even deeper in love with him.

“You have things to take care of at the clubhouse and garage.”

“Not today. Eagle can handle anythin’ that comes up with the club, and the guys at the garage can handle the work and anythin’ else that comes up throughout the day,” he assures me, his voice gentle as Marsha begins to whine on his lap.

There’s a gentle knock on the door before a young woman pokes her head inside the room. She’s got a chart in her hand and is looking at it before turning her attention to us. With Reaper sitting so close to the door, she doesn’t even flinch as she watches him feeding Marsha.

“Reaper, it’s good to see you again,” she says before turning her attention toward me “Alex, you’ve been feeling so run down and sick because you’re pregnant,” she states, not trying to pussy foot around the situation.

“Excuse me? I’m what?” I question her, looking between her and my man.

“You’re gonna have a baby. I’m going to give you the name of a local obstetrician and start you on prenatal vitamins now. I take it this is a shock, and you didn’t realize pregnancy could be a possibility?”

“No. That’s the last thing I even considered being wrong with everything that’s been going on with the club and our lives,” I have no clue what to feel right now.

I’m in shock. Reaper and I have talked about having kids one day, but I thought we’d wait until Marsha was older since we have her to take care of now. Turning my attention to the man sitting in the room with me, he’s staring at my stomach, which is still flat. A large smile covers his face, and he brings his eyes up to meet mine. While I’m in shock and not sure if we’re ready to add another baby to our family, Reaper is apparently just fine with knowing we’re about to have another little one.

“Are you serious, Dixie?” Reaper asks, the smile never leaving his face.

“That’s what the test shows. I’m not sure how far along you are, but the obstetrician will be able to perform an ultrasound and let you know when you’re due and everything else you need to know,” she answers him, still looking at me at the emotion flooding me.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy I’m pregnant. It’s not exactly the right time for us to have a baby, but there is no way in hell I’m going to get rid of our child. We’ll adjust and make our family work with everything we have going on. Somehow there is a way to make it work with having two children under two years old. I’ll do anything to make our family work and show love to each child we bring into our lives, no matter what circumstances they join our family. It’s just going to take a little time to get used to the fact that we’ll be having a baby together now.

“Are you okay, Alex?” Reaper asks, his voice soft as he places Marsha in her car seat.

“I think so. I’m really not sure what I’m thinking or feeling right now,” I tell him honestly. “It’s a shock.”

“It definitely is a surprise. We’ll be okay, dancer,” he says, stepping up and pressing a gentle kiss against my lips.

“I know we will. It’s just going to be hard,” I tell him, my voice filling with emotion.

“Thank you, Alex. We have Marsha, and now you’re givin’ me a son or daughter. Our children, all of them, will know how much we love them and will show them support no matter what they want to do in their life. Now, the only thing left to do is get married. I’ll be happy as fuck when we all have the same last name, and then we can be one family with the same name. Including Marsha. She’ll always know Round was her daddy. He entrusted her to us, and we’ll keep his memory alive for her,” Reaper tells me, holding me close to his chest.

“I know we will. Round will always be here, and Marsha will know who she comes from. I love you, Reaper, more than I ever thought possible. Thank you for showing me there are good men out there and for your support, no matter what’s going on or what I want to do. With you by my side, we’ll make this work. Hell, we have an entire club full of men who will help us when we need it. And Rebel. If she sticks around,” I respond, knowing in my heart, this is going to be right for our family.

“Now, let’s get outta here and go tell everyone at the clubhouse. You can get somethin’ to eat and then lie down in our room at the clubhouse for a while,” he tells me, helping me off the exam table before picking up Marsha and leading me from the room.

We stop at the front desk long enough to pick up the script so I can start taking the prenatal vitamins. When I run in to drop it off, Reaper places an order at the diner so we can take food back with us. The Fallen girls will have made lunch for everyone at the clubhouse, but I don’t want to wait long to get something in my stomach. Not when I didn’t get a chance to eat before leaving the house, and I got sick. With my stomach feeling normal, I want to eat something now and then finish at the clubhouse if I have to.

It doesn’t take long for my medicine to be ready. Grabbing it, I make my way out of the pharmacy to find Reaper waiting just out of the front door for me. He leans over to open the door of the SUV for me and help me inside. The fresh smell of hot burgers and fries fills the truck's interior, and I’m ready to start eating. When I put the bag in my lap and pull out one of the food containers, Reaper just laughs at me.

“I’m starving,” I tell him, opening the lid of the container to find a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a small container of gravy.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance