Page 52 of Touch Me

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TODAY WE’RE CELEBRATING Reaper and his ol’ lady Alex getting married. He’s been waiting for her divorce to go through or something to happen to the dick wad called Troy she was married to. Well, it seems Troy ran his mouth more than some of the men he worked with wanted him to, and they took out a threat against them. It couldn’t have happened to a better man if you asked me and wanted my honest opinion. Now, it’s nothing but smooth sailing for the club without the threat of Alex’s family coming after her. At least for now, everything is calm, and there’s really nothing going on other than work and our runs as scheduled. I’m relieved and restless all at the same time.

No matter what’s going on, I can’t seem to find something to make me happy. Especially when I look around the compound and take in all of my brothers as they relax, dance, drink, and stare at the Fallen girls while waiting for Reaper and Alex to leave. We try not to get too crazy when she’s here because it’s not something she needs to witness. Reaper asked us to hold off on the more sexual events of the night for her since it was their day, and we were all more than happy to oblige his request. Everyone is happy today except for me. With a drink in hand and Savage at my side, I should be as happy as everyone else—I’m just not.

“What’s up, man?” Savage asks me, leaning back in his chair next to me.

“I don’t know. Everyone seems happy as fuck today, and we should be. I’m just not feelin’ it for some reason.”

“Wanna get out of here and head to the bar or somethin’. Find a piece of strange for the night?”

“We can do that,” I respond, standing up and tossing my still half-full beer in the dumpster closest to me.

Savage has become my best friend since he joined the club. I know all about his family being a part of the Wild Kings MC and how he misses them more often than not. Especially Zoey. She’s the girl who has captured Savage’s heart, and she owns him. Zoey doesn’t know what my friend feels for her because he’s kept that shit buried deep. He wants her to graduate high school and then go to college to follow her dreams and make something of herself. His only concern is not standing in her way or making her want something he might not be ready to give her himself. So, he stays away from the Fallen girls at the clubhouse and finds a piece of strange every now and then for release. Those women mean nothing to him, but he gets what he needs without everyone knowing about it. Plus, when he finally makes Zoey his, none of the bitches here can rub it in her face. Zoey’s apparently sensitive and doesn’t do the whole confrontation bullshit.

The two of us make our way around the clubhouse and head out for the night. Our only stop is Brother’s, the bar we own in town. Pulling up in front, I take in the packed parking lot. There aren’t really a ton of bikes here tonight, but that’s no surprise considering Reaper and Alex just got married and are holding a reception at the clubhouse right now. We park in the reserved section right up front and climb off our bikes. The loud music from inside can be heard with our bike’s engines shut off, and I can’t wait to see what women are inside tonight. Rubbing my hands together, I pull open the door as a wave of heat, the scent of various perfumes, and alcohol hit me square in the face. Just another night here at Brothers.

Stepping inside, I let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting as Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton fills the air. Usually, it would be rock playing on the speakers unless we have a live band in here. Tonight, with the club members choosing to stay at the clubhouse, the fill-in bartender, Anthony, lets the customers choose what’s played. It happens every now and then. Usually, we’d be the ones selecting the music here. I look around the room and take everything in. The floors of Brothers are a dark stained wood that’s polished on a regular basis. Our bar takes up most of the right side of the room. It’s scarred from years of patrons sitting there, various fights among customers, and other shit. Black booths fill the front of the bar and the entire left side, with wooden tables filling the remaining floor space.

In the back left corner of the bar sits a stage for when we choose to have live music. We usually let local bands come in and play for the night twice a month. Those nights we’re packed to capacity and have to turn customers away. Or they simply hang out in front of the bar to listen to the music being played. We up security on those nights to prevent the numerous fights that are sure to break out. A dance floor is located right in front of the stage, where couples and single women are already dancing to the music playing as songs change. Before the small kitchen, we have a hallway where the bathrooms and the office are located. Everything in this bar is made of wood, and we keep it as clean as possible. Every night after closing, a cleaning crew comes in and takes care of shit. That’s on top of the staff cleaning up before they leave for the night.

“Trax, Jameson, how’s it going?” Nova asks, walking by with a full tray.

She’s one of our waitresses, and I wouldn’t mind fucking her as I follow her movements through the crowded room. Nova is twenty-five with a slim body and fake tits. Her tits are large enough to suffocate a man; I know I’d die a happy fucking man if that’s how I went out. Her long red hair is natural and has a slight wave to it. Most nights, she wears it up in a ponytail so it doesn’t get in her way of serving. So I’m not sure how long it is, but it’s long enough to reach the middle of her back while it’s up. Large mossy green eyes that are too big for her face looks around the room as she makes her way back to the bar. Reaching down, I adjust my cock in my jeans because she’s definitely sexy enough in her short-as-hell shorts and crop top with the Brother’s logo to make any man hard. However, we don’t fuck our employees unless we plan on making it permanent. I have no use for a woman in my life other than the time it takes to get off.

Savage heads for the bar, and I follow him. We take the last two seats at the back of the long bar to watch the customers coming through the door and already filling the room. I let my gaze wander around the bar as Anthony sets down two beers and shots of Jack in front of Savage and myself. Over in the front, left corner in a booth is a group of women. Two of the bolder women are eye fucking Savage and me already. Nudging him with my elbow, he looks up and notices the women staring at us. With a motion of my head, they slide from the booth and make their way over to us. I’m eyeing the dark-haired woman with blonde highlights in her hair. She’s got make-up caked on her face and a large set of tits. Yeah, I’m a tit man and fully acknowledge it. Her black dress is skintight, with her chest almost spilling from the top. She’ll work for a release.

“Hey, guys,” she purrs when they finally reach us. “Are you looking for a little fun tonight?”

“The real question is, are you?” I shoot back at her, raising my eyebrow in challenge.

“I’m up for anything you want to give me,” she responds as I stand from my stool and lead her to the office in the back.

As soon as the door is closed behind us, she leans in for a kiss. That’s not going to work for me. I don’t kiss any of the women I fuck.

“On your knees and take my cock out,” I order her as I lean back against the door.

I’ll make sure she gets off and has fun, but she can start by sucking my cock. Closing my eyes, I listen as my belt buckle clanks together before the unmistakable sound of my zipper being lowered fills the air. Her mouth is hot and wet as she takes as much of me in her mouth as she can. When she begins gagging, I pull her from me and stand her up so I can get this over with. I’m honestly already bored out of my mind and haven’t even touched her yet. Fuck! Wrapping my dick with a condom, I check to make sure the woman in front of me is wet before bending her over and sliding my cock in her pussy. Already she’s making the most annoying sounds and moaning louder than any porn star. I blank my mind as I thrust away into another nameless, faceless woman. Something has to give, or I’m going to go insane.


Today is like all the rest. I get up, eat breakfast, and head to the tattoo shop to work with my uncle Irish. He’s been letting me work with him for six months now. Irish is a great man and a member of the Wild Kings MC. He’s one of my many uncles who believes he has to be overprotective of me and watch me like a hawk. Especially when a man is in the shop showing me the slightest interest. It’s no wonder I’m still a damn virgin. Still, he’s keeping a secret for me, and I know it’s the last thing he wants to do, so I don’t ever say a word about him chasing a potential man away from me. Even if it is annoying as hell.

“Morning, Mama,” I say, making my way into the kitchen where my mom is standing at the stove. “Morning, Dad.”

My dad Joker is the only one in the kitchen, which tells me, my other dad, Cage isn’t home. These two men came into our lives when my twin, Jameson, and I were very young. They changed our entire world, and I thank whoever I can every single day for them loving my mom, loving Jameson and me, and giving us four more kids to add to our family. If my mom is somewhere, they’re both with her. Neither man lets her out of their sight for very long, and I want to find the love they show her on a daily basis. Nothing less will be good enough for me, and everyone knows it. I’ve made it no secret I want to find a love like theirs.

“Mornin’, Rea,” my dad says, pulling me against his side as he kisses the top of my head. “What are your plans for the day?”

“The same as every other day, Dad. I’m gonna eat breakfast with you guys and head to the shop. I think Irish might let me tattoo someone today. Are you guys making one of the new Prospects be my Guinea pig?” I question him, heading for my mom to give her a hug.

Joker begins laughing his ass off, giving me the only answer I need. Shaking my head, I hug my mom and walk to the refrigerator to grab the orange juice for us. She’s making scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast this morning for us. Every single day we have a hot meal for breakfast no matter how many of us are home or already gone by the time she wakes up. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for better parents and siblings. My only complaint is I’m kept in a bubble and protected at all costs.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a seizure. Still, everyone treats me as if today will be the day they return. On the other hand, I try to forget all about my seizures and the cyst on my brain which causes them. It’s a valid concern my family has, but I also need to be allowed to live my life. This is why my uncle Irish is keeping a secret for me.

“Rea, you’ve been working every day. Are you sure you should go in today? It’s supposed to be really hot,” my mom questions as she sets a plate in front of me.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance