Page 49 of Touch Me

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“You’re serious?” I question him, knowing this just made my fucking day because I can marry the woman I love and make her mine in every possible way.

“I’m sending you the pictures now. Your woman is safe and secure now. I know you wanted your hands on her father for the loss of your men. Unfortunately, karma had other ideas for the fucker. I’ve also been informed the officer who led the raid on Alex’s studio will be getting charges filed against him and will end up in jail by the end of today. A lot of fuckers inside are going to be gunning for him. I’ll be in contact with details of the next run.”

“Thank you, Pedro. For everythin’,” I tell him before hanging up the phone.

A loud cheer goes up around the meeting room. We’re all happy as fuck Troy has been taken out, and the cop who thought he was above the law will be behind bars where he belongs. Again, I’d love to get my hands on the asshole, but I have a feeling he’s not going to last very long once he’s picked up and put behind bars with so many men he’s fucked over. If he did this for Alejandro Garcia, I don’t have a doubt in my mind he’s done this shit before to other people for whatever reason.

“Jameson, it’s your responsibility to get your patches added to your cut. Alex arranged everythin’ for you tonight but isn’t sure if she’s gonna be able to make it down. Marsha was already fallin’ asleep when I left the house to come down here,” I remind our newest member. “Fellas, enjoy the night any way you would. Alex has food bein’ brought in, more alcohol than you fuckers probably need, and women.”

The men hoot and holler as I slam the gavel on the table, dismissing them. I’m one of the last men to leave where I see Jameson standing just inside the door. Stopping in my tracks, I wait for him to talk.

“Thank you, Reaper. You’ve given me a bigger family than I had before. And you don’t care that my family are members of a different club. Thank you honestly isn’t enough to convey the trust you’ve given me to allow me to Prospect with your club,” he tells me, looking down at his patches before looking at me again.

“Savage, you earned those patches. No one gave them to you because your dads are in a different club. Everythin’ you’ve done here is on you. The hours you spent takin’ shit just because the guys wanted to test you. Your dads weren’t here holdin’ your hand or makin’ sure you did shit the right way. I’m proud of you, Savage,” I tell him, pulling him in and giving him a half hug with a slap on the back. “Now, get out there and enjoy your night.”

Savage nods his head in response before leaving church. Being the last one out, I lock the door behind me and make sure it’s secure before turning my attention to the common room. Surprisingly, Savage is heading for the room he’s been stayin’ in. That’s going to change since he’s no longer a Prospect. He’ll have his room where the rest of the members stay. I’ll get with the guys and find out what room’s empty without touching Pound and Round’s rooms just yet. We’ve kind of given silent approval for Rebel to stay in Pound’s room for the time being and aren’t just going to rip it away from her.

I walk out and fill a plate of food from the buffet-style dinner lined up in the kitchen. The Fallen girls are ready to party, but they know they’re to serve dinner to us and eat first. Then, after the kitchen is cleaned, they can party all they want. Walking into the common room, I sit with Titan, Eagle, and Trax. There’s one more empty seat, and I know Savage will take it. Trax and he are getting close and are together more often than not. It’s a reason I put them on runs together. They have the same unspoken bond and communication I have with Eagle.

The music is blaring as Savage makes his way back to us. He went straight to his room and made sure his patches were added to his cut before doing anything else. Just one more reason the kid will make a good addition to the club. Taking his seat next to Trax, a Fallen Girl brings him a plate loaded high with food and kisses him before turning and sauntering away. Savage’s eyes lock on her ass as she struts away from him. I’m not sure if he’ll touch her. He’s got a girl he’s waiting on back home and hasn’t touched the Fallen Girls, to my knowledge. Though, I don’t keep track of the men’s cocks and who they’re fucking.

After eating and having a few drinks, I head out to go home. Since I’ve had more than one, my bike will remain here. Jonas pulls up in one of the club’s SUVs and waits for me to climb in the passenger seat. My plan is to head home, get in bed with Alex, and show her how happy I am she’s no longer going to be threatened by her husband or father. How happy I am about being able to finally marry my woman and make everything legal before we bring our own babies into this world and our family. Things I can’t wait to make happen.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance