Page 48 of Touch Me

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Chapter Twenty-Five


TODAY MARKS TWO weeks since we buried Round and Pound. Alex planned the perfect day for them. Not only did she not have their caskets and grave sites filled with flowers, but she also had more than enough food for everyone to chow down on and drinks that kept flowing all night long. She brought in the dancers from our strip club to help provide extra entertainment for the single men. Even though none of the men brought their ol’ ladies with them for various reasons, the men who are attached would not ever partake in free pussy just because their women aren’t around. Gossip spreads like wildfire around here, and it’s the men who spread it. We’re not into making our ol’ ladies feel less than just because we want to get our dicks wet.

We drank, shared stories of our brothers, and partied late into the night as they would expect us to. Our club members don’t want the rest of us to sit around and mourn their loss as if we’re citizens. It’s why we party to celebrate their life and send them out the way they want with the flowing booze, an abundance of amazing food, and pussy. Alex spent most of her time with Rebel before returning to Pound’s room and Marsha. When she put the baby down for her nap in our room, she stayed in the room with her. My ol’ lady is there to anticipate every single need this little one has and has shown all of us Round made the right decision when he named us her guardians.

The main thing I realized with all this shit happening is that life is too damn short. I want to marry Alex more than I want to take my next breath. However, Troy is still fucking alive, and she’s not divorced yet. McAllister has drawn up the papers and her douchebag husband has been served while behind bars. They just haven’t been finalized as of yet. There is no doubt in my mind he’s going to drag this shit out as long as he possibly can just to make my woman suffer as much as possible before she’s finally rid of his ass. Or he’s going to try and pull some shit from behind bars to kill her or have her taken again. We’re ready for him to try anything at this point.

Walking through the house, I find Alex in the nursery, rocking Marsha as she feeds her a bottle. Marsha’s little eyes are fluttering closed, and she’s ready to go back to sleep. Alex is looking down at her with a serene smile, and I can’t wait until we bring our own babies into this world. Neither one of us is going to love Round’s little girl any less when we have our own children; we’d never do that because Marsha is family, even if it’s not by blood. I just want little girls and sons who are a combination of the two of us.

“Hey, babe,” Alex says, her voice a soft whisper.

“Hey, dancer,” I respond, walking closer to her and running a finger down Marsha’s pudgy cheek. “Gotta head to the clubhouse. Are you comin’ down later?”

“I might. Tonight is for the guys, though. Have fun, and I’ll see you when you get home. Unless I decide to come down for a bit.”

“Alright. I’ll have Jonas and Greg on you and baby girl. Let one of them know if you want to come down. I love you, my tiny dancer.”

“I love you too. Everything is already taken care of for tonight. The extra girls will be there, food is being catered, and there’s more than enough booze to keep you all drinking all night long,” Alex assures me.

Tonight is a big night. We’re patching a new brother in. For now, Pound’s role as Sergeant at Arms will remain vacant. None of us are ready to take it away from him just yet. Even though he’s never going to walk back through the door and sit in his chair ever again, we’re still feeling his loss. Round’s too. The only difference is Round wasn’t an officer of the club. He was completely happy with being a member and nothing more than that. He was up for the position of Enforcer before Titan got it. When Round was nominated, he declined the offer though he appreciated his brothers having enough faith in him to fill such a demanding role. I fully believe his woman is why he didn’t accept the position, and that’s fine. Round was happy with going on runs and working.

Leaving our home, I know I’m leaving a large piece of me behind. Yes, it’s important for Alex to be there tonight and show her support for patching in a new member. Everyone also understands that we have a little one and are adjusting to having Marsha under our roof. We’re trying to keep her on the schedule Round had her on, which makes certain things difficult for Alex to do. Including staying open as late as she was at the studio. Yesterday was her first day open since the police destroyed it. The ringleader, Johnson, has been suspended without pay and is undergoing an investigation for the way they trashed the studio. Not to mention raiding it when little ones were inside with their mothers. He’ll get his eventually. Right now, we’re not going after him because we’re playing shit smart. We’ll be the first ones listed as suspects if something happens to the cockbite.

Pulling up to the front of the clubhouse, I park my bike at the head of the line where my place is. Everyone is here tonight for church. Jonas is on the gate as I look out at him leaning against the booth they have to stand in if it’s cold as balls or raining out. With a nod of my head, I turn and make my way into the clubhouse. The men are all sitting around, playing a game of pool, and just relaxing. Until they notice me. All the patched members stand and begin making their way toward church, where Jameson is already standing to watch over the cell phones and weapons while we’re meeting. Rebel is behind the bar for the first time in two weeks. She’s still mourning Pound’s loss and will not get over the loss anytime soon.

Handing over my phone, I close the door behind me since I’m the last man in the room and walk straight to my seat. As soon as my ass hits the seat, I slam the gavel on the table in front of me.

“Church in session. First of all, any news on Alejandro?” I ask, looking at Hawk.

“Nope. Pedro and his men are still lookin’ for his ass, but he’s deep in hidin’. Even had one of his guys follow Alex’s bitch of a mother from here, and she only led him straight back to the house they’ve shared. He was pissed cause she took a plane instead of drivin’. Can’t blame her for the distance between them and us. No one’s heard from him since the day of our meetin’. Even at his mistresses and the other places he goes on a regular basis,” Hawk answers, his voice hard.

“Fuck,” I grind out between clenched teeth. “Alright. Jameson hasn’t been here a year yet. However, he continues to prove himself on a daily basis. I’m callin’ it to a vote for him to patch in now. Not just because of what he’s done at the compound and how he never once complains about a damn thing we task him with. For those who don’t know, Jameson captured the man who stole the truck on our last run and beat him like a savage. All in favor say ‘Aye.’”

Each man around the table says ‘Aye’ in response to patching Jameson in. Nodding at Titan, he stands from his chair to get the young man and bring him in here. I listen in as Titan calls out for Greg to come stand guard. Yes, we always keep a Prospect on our phones and weapons because there may have been a situation or two involving one of the Fallen girls and her trying to break up a man and his woman before. So, now we prevent it at all costs. Especially considering our weapons are out there too. Well, I don’t have one out there today, but some of the guys do, and it could be chaos if someone were to get their hands on a gun or knife, and we didn’t know about it until it was too late.

Jameson walks into our meeting room with his head held high. He’s standing at the end of the table while the rest of us remain in our seats, and Titan takes his again. Not a single one of us says a word for a minute, just waiting to see what Jameson is going to do. It’s no surprise he stands there as if he belongs in this room with us which makes me believe even more this was the right decision to make for our club. Jameson will be a strong addition to our family, and he’ll make it far in the club.

“Do you know why we called you in here?” I question him as he remains still in his spot.

“No, sir, I don’t.”

“You have been with us for less than a year now. We don’t normally patch anyone in who hasn’t been with us for at least a year. However, you have proven yourself over and over again. No matter what’s thrown at you, you do it without question. Unless you know it goes against somethin’ in our bylaws. When we needed to get the truck back on our last run, you didn’t hesitate to get there and then beat the shit outta the asshole because he hit you in the head and stole from us. You got us the information we needed without hesitation or help from anyone else,” I say, looking around the table at the men sitting with me. “Jameson, you’re gettin’ a full patch tonight and will now be known as Savage in the club. Welcome to the Fallen Brethren.”

With that, Jameson lights up like a kid at Christmas time as we all pound our hands on the table in front of us. Eagle stands up and walks his rockers and new flash with his road name over to Savage, who accepts them proudly as he smiles around the room. Before any of us can say a word or move, there’s a knock on the door. Jameson turns around and pulls it open without releasing his new patches to show Greg standing there with a phone in his hand.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your meetin’,” he says, his nerves clearly showing as he looks directly at me. “Pres, your phone hasn’t stopped ringin’ for the last few minutes. It’s Pedro.”

Motioning him in, Greg runs to my side and hands my phone over as it begins to ring once again.

“Pedro, we’re in church,” I answer the phone, my voice apologetic as I put my phone on speaker.

“It’s okay, friend. I have news I’m not sure you’re gonna like. Well, one piece of news. I just got word and confirmation Alejandro Garcia has died of a heart attack. He died in the house he shared with his wife and son. Paramedics were called and arrived at the home to find him down, and they couldn’t revive him. My friend in the police station has identified the body and sent me pictures of him to verify he’s actually deceased,” he informs us.

“Fuck!” I growl, knowing I’ll never get my revenge for everything he’s done to Alex and for killing Pound and Round.

“My other piece of news involves the son-in-law. He was killed in a fight in jail. Apparently, he pissed off someone besides you and paid for it with his life. I’m not sure who gave the order to take him out, but he’s been taken to the city morgue. Since Alex is still married to him, everything becomes hers now. The house, money, cars, everything the government hasn’t frozen or taken. I’ve made sure they left most of everything for her. Including the money in multiple offshore accounts.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance