Page 35 of Touch Me

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“Alejandra, you will stop right this instant and go back in there to retract everything you just said,” my father demands just before we get to the front doors of the courthouse. “This is not what a woman does to her husband. She stands by his side and supports him no matter what is going on.”

“No, father. Troy will pay for the sins he’s committed against me and the rest of the women in this town and wherever he’s traveled,” I inform him, digging my nails into the back of Reaper’s hand. “If you want to give your own testimony for Troy since you’ve made it plain as day, he’s the one you support instead of your own blood, that’s on you. I’m done with all of you, and if you come near me again, I will ensure you’re sitting right next to the man you adore who has followed in your footsteps. Where will that leave the family then?”

“I’ll step up and take over for my father,” a young man not very old speaks up.

I have never seen this kid before, but if he’s calling my father his, I’m really not surprised. At least one of his pregnant mistresses did have a boy. This must be one of however many of my half-siblings. I’d say it’s nice to meet him, but I’m going to doubt it very much based on his need to step up and take over for his father.

“Who the fuck are you?” Reaper demands, his voice lethal as he takes in the kid.

This kid is dressed impeccably as my father would expect of him. He’s got on a perfectly tailored suit with his hair perfectly styled. The finest dress shoes, shining to perfection, cover his feet as silver cuff links glitter from his dress shirt. The only difference between my father and this kid is their height. My father is shrinking or has always been shorter than I believed him to be. Right now, I don’t give a shit as I wait for this kid to answer my man.

“I’m Carlos Garcia, the heir to the Garcia family,” he states proudly, as if it’s a huge accomplishment.

“You’re claiming your illegitimate children now?” I question, my voice sneering as I take in this information. “If that’s how you’re going to be, leave me the hell alone. No matter what happens to me, you’ll never be able to touch my money. Troy won’t either. I’ve got an iron-clad Will in place, and you’ll never find who has any of the copies. You. Lose.”

My father’s face turns a ruddy shade of red as my last bit of information sinks in. He now knows he’ll never get my trust fund. He’s about to explode, and I don’t want to be anywhere near him when it happens. Still, I can’t resist one more taunt.

“If you want to follow in your father’s footsteps, I hope you’re not squeamish and don’t give a shit about selling out anyone in your life, including your flesh and blood. See, my husband and father were going to sell me to the highest bidder to get their hands on money that’s not theirs. If you can live with doing all that shit, then you’ll be just fine. Oh, and don’t forget your dear father is absolutely broke and can’t give you money or anything. Have fun with it all, though. Father, I’m done. You are nothing to me and will not contact me again. Ever,” I state, turning my back to the man who is nothing more than a sperm donor of mine.

“Even prouder of you, darlin’,” Reaper says, pulling me fully against his hard body and kissing me as if it’s the last kiss we’ll ever share. “Let’s get the fuck outta here where we can breathe clean air and not be tainted with the stench of this town any longer. Alejandro, you can expect a call from Pedro.”

Turning my head to look at my father, I watch his face pale under his naturally tanned skin. I’m not sure who Pedro is, but it’s someone Reaper obviously knows along with my father. If he’s paling with the mere mention of his name, I don’t believe it’s a man I want to meet. Maybe he’s the perfect guy who will take out my father, so Reaper doesn’t have to get his hands dirty in this particular instance. Without a second thought, I turn my head back, and we all leave the courthouse to start our life without the threat of my father and Troy hanging over our heads. At least that’s my hope.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance