Page 3 of Touch Me

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Chapter Two


I’VE BEEN ON the run for so long now. I don’t remember what it’s like to not constantly look over my shoulder or move from one town to another. Knowing a lot of ways I can be tracked, I left my credit cards, cell phone, and debit card behind. There is very little cash left for me to use for food, gas, and somewhere to sleep at night. On top of having hardly any money left, I’ve been changing cars regularly. It’s one less way they’ll be able to track my location because I’m never in the same vehicle for too long.

Why am I on the run? The reason is very simple. I trusted the wrong people. People who are supposed to love and protect me. Instead of giving me the love they should and protecting me, these individuals push me and make me run from them instead of turning toward them. They would rather I die at the hands of another person who is supposed to be protecting me and instead hurts me, taunts me, and makes me wish for death more often than not.

My dad and husband want me dead because I learned a little too much about their business dealings. That’s not something they like because I can use the information to get them not only in trouble with anyone higher up than them but with the police. As far as the men in my life are concerned, I’m to be seen and not heard for any reason whatsoever. I’m allowed to talk only when they’ve spoken to me and given me permission to speak or answer questions. Fuck that! I’m an independent woman, and I’ll not be treated like some kind of slave. My mother is the submissive one and doesn’t ever argue with my father or go against him for any reason. When I realized what was going on, I told myself I would never be like that. No matter who I was married to.

I love my mom. Don’t get me wrong about that. She’s a pushover when it comes to my dad and other men she’s around. If he wants to bring his latest mistress to her home to fuck, he does. Sometimes, he makes her sit in the room and watch. It’s his way of humiliating her more than he already does on a daily basis. She turns a blind eye and pretends everything he does is okay. It’s not. Any decision he makes is law in their home. My mom takes the punishment for not following through or having everything perfect. I’m not, and never will be, okay with any relationship like that.

Troy, my husband, is the same way. He hid all those qualities while we were dating and didn’t show me who he truly was until after we said our vows. He thought I’d be okay with him bringing a bitch home to fuck because I refuse to get pregnant by him. So he thought it would be funny to flaunt his latest bitch in front of my face when he started fucking her on our couch. And then again when she became pregnant by him. Or so he claims. I don’t even know if the child is his because she fucks anything with a cock. There is no picking and choosing for her as long as they give her money and keep her supplied with the drugs she takes daily.

Now, I’m in a small town with around a thousand people. If that many even live here. I’m just going off what the sign said when I entered, though. It really doesn’t matter where I go. Troy and my dad manage to find me. My only goal is to find shelter and ensure I’m safe until I get back on the road again. Unfortunately, my car has other ideas as it begins to spurt and sputter as I fly down the road. Knowing this shit isn’t going to turn out good for me, I pull over on the side of the road and look at my dash. The damn thing is overheating. Great! Just what I fucking need right now.

Honestly, it’s more than likely because I tend to stick to backroads and leave the highways alone as much as possible. There might be more traffic on the highways, and there’s also cops. It’s harder for me to stay hidden when Troy’s goons catch up to me. Somehow, he pays off cops no matter where he goes and gets away with shit no one else can. Well, not many others. They would look the other way as I’m taken against my will and brought back directly to the one place I’ve vowed to never show my face again. At least not if I can help it.

Opening the windows just enough to let air in, I turn the car off and remain sitting inside. There’s nothing I can do until the engine cools down. Reclining my seat back, I relax and try not to let the panic filling me take over completely. Troy and his goon squad could show up at any second, and they’ll take me back without hesitation. Closing my eyes, I don’t let myself fall asleep because I’m always on edge and waiting for the next shoe to drop. To get picked up again by a man who is going to kill me when he gets his hands on me. At least, killing me would be the best thing he’d do. Troy is an evil, manipulative, sadistic bastard on a good day.

Before too long, as my car's interior heats up from the scorching heat outside, a rumble begins to fill the air around me. It’s getting closer as the ground begins to vibrate under my car. I’m not sure how fast this person is going, but he’s approaching me at a rapid pace. My heart is racing the closer the bike gets to me. I don’t move from my seat to call attention to myself. That’s the last thing I need. Fear fills my veins as my breathing becomes shallow. This person could just be out for a ride. Or, he could be looking for me because he knows my husband and wants the money I have no doubt is being offered for my return.

My hopes of the biker continuing on past me fade as he flies past me and begins slowing down. Peeking just above the steering wheel, the biker turns to come back in my direction. I have no idea how I will get out of this mess now. If this man is here to get me for Troy, I’m not going to make it easy on him. I’ll fight with everything I have in me to get away from him. I’ll start the car and drive until it blows up if I have to. I won’t be able to go any further if that happens, but it might aid in my attempt to remain as safe as I can be.

Before I can move, there’s a tap on the window. Jumping out of my skin at the sound since I was so lost in my head, I didn’t hear the bike shut off or anyone approaching me. That’s not good for someone in my position. As I look out the window, my breath catches, and I stare at the sexiest man I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s got piercing blue eyes with the slightest hint of grey around the outer edge. A small amount of mischief fills them as he looks down at me. There’s scruff on his face as if he hasn’t shaved in a few days, matching the dirty blond hair on his head. His hair is longer than I’ve ever seen on a guy. It reaches his shoulders.

As my eyes drag down the rest of his body, I can see the muscled body and tattoos from my vantage point of lying back in my car. This mystery man is covered in tattoos from his neck and down both arms. The hand resting on my window shows he even has tattoos on his fingers. I’ve never been a huge fan of them, but on this guy, it’s sexy. Even the large rings covering two of his fingers on the hand I can see don’t detract from his sex appeal.

“You okay?” he asks, his deep, smooth voice sending chills through my body.

“Uh, yeah. Just waiting a bit for my car to cool down,” I answer, internally smacking myself in the forehead for giving away that information.

“It’s overheatin’? Pop the hood, and I’ll take a look,” he says, rounding the front of my car and waiting for me to open the latch of the hood on my piece of shit car.

I do as he asks and wait to see what the verdict is. I’m holding my breath and praying this man isn’t acting like a good guy to lure me in and take me back to Troy. Or my dad. At this point, I’m not sure who the bigger asshole is. Neither option is a good one for me. Even though I can’t really see him through the small opening of the hood, I try to remain vigilant about where he’s at. My hand automatically reaches over to lock the doors just as he stops in front of my door once again.

“I’m not exactly sure what’s goin’ on. If I had to guess right now, I’d say it’s more than likely your thermostat. I can call someone and have them look at it,” he says as I notice the vest he’s wearing for the first time since he stopped.

“Oh, um, that’s not necessary. I’ll let it cool down and then drive it to the garage in town,” I answer, knowing I’m on a back road and I have no clue how far it is to any garage or if my car will make it there.

“No, you won’t make it. I’ll make the call and wait with you,” he says, giving me a look that says he knows I’m nervous and hiding something from him.

“Do you know how long it will take? I need to get back on the road,” I ask, knowing the best thing I can do is to keep moving.

“I’m not sure how booked up the garage is right now without bein’ there to look at the books,” he tells me, looking relaxed even though I can see the questions filling his eyes. “You know, if you need help, we can help you. Don’t like the idea of sendin’ a woman out alone when she’s obviously runnin’ from somethin’.”

“I-I’m not running from anything,” I say, wishing I had a better poker face and knowing I don’t.

“What’s your name?” he suddenly asks.

“Um, Harley?” I answer, making it sound more like a question than an actual answer in my attempt to give this stranger a fake name.

“Really?” he questions, clearly not believing me once again.

“Yep,” I reply, knowing I should just keep my mouth shut before he starts trying to dig even deeper into who I am.

“Well, we have some time to get to know one another. Let me make this phone call, and I’ll be right back. I’m Reaper, by the way,” he informs me just before walking away.

My eyes stray to his ass as he walks from my window toward the front of the car. I’ve never witnessed a man with an ass that fills out a pair of jeans as good as Reaper. His jeans are tight enough to check out his ass and thick, muscled thighs. Well, I’m imagining how muscled they are based on how he’s walking and how round they are. This man doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him; his entire body is pure muscle based on what I can see. I’m trying not to stare at him as he turns enough to let me see his profile. This man just sucks me in for some reason. I’ve never reacted to a man based solely on his looks and voice before. Especially when I’m pretty sure he’s not better than the other two men in my life; my husband and father.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance