Page 4 of Touch Me

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He’s on the phone for several minutes as I watch him. When he throws his head back in laughter, I can’t help but feel turned on by the line of his neck and what I can see of his jaw. Behind the ink covering his skin, Reaper oozes confidence, sex appeal, and muscle even from a distance. His neck is thick and strong. The wind blows a few pieces of hair across his face causing him to reach up and brush it away. His arm muscles bulge and ripple with every single movement. I don’t know about you, but I love watching a man move. It’s a work of art to watch his muscles move. Especially a man’s back. There’s just something about it I can’t seem to explain.

As if sensing my eyes on him, Reaper looks at me while holding his phone close to his ear. A smirk covers his face, and I know I’ve been caught ogling his body. The mischief in his eyes when I first saw him intensifies. If he were closer, I could see his eyes change with his different moods. His face is very expressive, but I have a feeling Reaper also has an extremely good poker face. One where no one can tell what he’s thinking no matter how hard they search. It’s a trait I wish I had. Especially when I deal with my father and husband.

I can’t hear what’s being said with the distance he put between us. There’s a slight rumble of his voice being carried on the wind as it blows lightly. The song Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton enters my mind as his voice continues to filter through the window. I’m not sure why other than how deep and smooth Reaper’s voice is. Before I can think of it too long, he pulls his phone from his ear and walks closer to me. Sitting up straighter in my seat, I wait to hear what he’s going to tell me about how long it will take for my car to be picked up.

Another dilemma instantly fills my mind. I have no clue how I’m going to get anywhere with my car being out of commission. There is no way I’ll manage to walk to town before darkness consumes the sky and animals come out to play, hunt, and eat. Without knowing Reaper and his ultimate goal, I’m not sure I can trust him enough to ride anywhere with him. Not on the back of a motorcycle, at any rate. I’ve never been on a bike before, and I’m not sure about getting on one with a man I don’t know.

“One of my guys should be here in less than an hour,” Reaper tells me as he looks at me through the slight opening of the window. “Not gonna roll your window down any farther?”

“I don’t want to turn my car back on,” I tell him, still trying to figure out the semantics of what’s going to happen with my car.

“Okay, darlin’,” he responds with a light chuckle as he leans against the side of my car.

“Thank you. For stoppin’ to see if I needed help and makin’ sure my car can be towed to the garage,” I tell him, my voice wavering as the long day I’ve already had catches up to me.

“You’re welcome, darlin’. Not in the habit of leavin’ a woman stranded on the side of the road,” he returns simply while crossing his arms over his chest as his muscles bulge again.

Damn this sexy man!

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance