Page 29 of Touch Me

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“Yeah, I am. Does anyone have an issue with that?” I question, looking around the table.

“Just wanted to make sure that’s where your head was at. Never seen you like this with a woman before. You’re ready to kill and maim to protect her,” Eagle says, his voice filled with humor.

“You’re fuckin’ right I am. You find your one, and you’ll be just as bad as I am,” I assure him, not wanting to laugh my ass off when Eagle finds his one.

As we’re talking, Hawk is typing away on his laptop. It’s not long before he turns on the screen behind him since his computer is already hooked up. A picture of Alejandro Garcia fills the screen. The only thing Alex gets from him, from what I can see, is his darker skin tone. She must get her looks from her mother. Not that I give a fuck either way. Alex is a sexy as fuck woman and is all mine.

“So, it seems dear ol’ dad is tryin’ everythin’ in his power to get his hands on Alex’s money. He has been squanderin’ his money away on his mistresses, keepin’ his wife stocked in drugs, and gamblin’ in his own fuckin’ underground casino. He barely has enough money to get through the next month, let alone longer than that,” Hawk informs us, his gaze never wandering from the screen in front of him.

“What about the site with Alex bein’ put up for auction?” I question, remembering Pedro informing us of that aspect.

“It’s been taken down. Pedro’s man and I have been workin’ together to get it removed. You’re not gonna like what the bid was up to. We’re talkin’ a few million at last bid,” Hawk states, finally looking up from the laptop in front of him. “I can’t assure you another one won’t go up or hasn’t already gone up in its place. If her dad is hell-bent on gettin’ money, I’m not goin’ to put anythin’ past him.”

“Have you found out anythin’ else on him and the men he works with?” I question, my voice filled with aggravation.

“No. That’s one of the reasons I’m workin’ with Pedro’s man. They tend to run in the same circles even if they can’t tolerate one another. Give us a day or two, and we’ll have all the information you need. For now, I wouldn’t let Alex leave the compound, and I’d have a Prospect on her when you’re not with her. Or bring her to the clubhouse,” Hawk answers me, his voice fading as he looks back down at his screen.

Hawk clicks a few keys, and the screen changes to show a picture of the bitch of a doctor. It’s obviously one from work as she wears a pair of scrubs and a white lab coat with her name tag on. Her picture fades away as her bank account information fills the screen. The same day we brought Alex into the hospital she works at, a large sum of money was deposited in her account. Both weeks my woman was in the hospital smaller, but equally substantial payments were deposited. She hasn’t touched the money, only paying the same bills which come out on a monthly basis.

“Where the hell did the money come from?” I ask, looking around the table.

“I’m not sure. As far as I can tell, some came from Garcia and some from one of Troy’s offshore accounts. An account I don’t believe Garcia even knows about. There’s a substantial amount of money there, but right now, I have yet to know where it’s from. I’ll keep diggin’. But it looks like the doctor was on someone’s payroll. Especially with her not gettin’ another dime since then,” Hawk responds, not looking up again.

“Okay. Everyone knows I won’t be here the rest of the night. If you need me, call. I’m gettin’ Doc to have a look at Alex’s medicine and check her over. I’m not sure we can trust what that bitch prescribed her. Church adjourned,” I say, slamming the table and leaving the room.

On my way out through the common room, I grab Jay. He willingly follows me to my bike and waits for me to give him orders. First, I need to get Doc here to look at Alex and what she’s been given to take after leaving the hospital. When I’m done, I slide my phone back into my pocket and straddle my bike before telling the Prospect to follow me to the house. I’ll introduce him to Alex so she knows who he is and then sends him for groceries. Just the basics for now if she hasn’t gotten a chance to make a grocery list. At least she’ll know one of the men who will be watching over her. I’ll only trust Jameson and Jay with my woman. They’ve been Prospecting with us the longest.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance