Page 28 of Touch Me

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Chapter Fifteen


AFTER GIVING MY truth to Alex, I left her to explore our room alone while I went to make her something to eat. I’m going with a simple meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup. It’s probably heavier than she should eat after being in the hospital for so long. I don’t have much else in the house she can eat, though. My cupboards and refrigerator are bare because I haven’t spent much time here since the officers all built our homes on the land of the clubhouse. We’re protected and safe behind the gates of the compound while the other members live in the clubhouse. There isn’t an ol’ lady in the club, so no one has needed to have a home outside the compound. If a guy wants to have time alone, he shuts and locks his door to let everyone know he’s not to be disturbed.

I’ll have to have one of the Prospects head to the grocery store as well. Alex can make a list for him to pick up when she’s up to the task. Flipping her sandwich to ensure it’s cooked fully on each side, I put it on a plate before making one for myself. I truly don’t want to leave the woman I’m claiming as my own for very long. However, I need to talk to the men of club and fill them in on what’s going on. Hawk needs to look into the doctor who was looking over Alex when she was in the hospital. We need as much information as possible on Garcia and his plans with Alex. His plans with her trust because he can’t get his hands on her money no matter what happens. Plus, I fully believe he already knows about Troy being in jail awaiting trial and isn’t going to be happy.

Troy is the type of man who will spill every single piece of information he knows in hopes of lessening his sentence. Information that has the potential to harm Garcia; take down his entire enterprise and bring his enemies out of the woodwork to keep their names out of any trial or information Troy has to give. The men are powerful and will have no problem using Alex to get what they want. Even if her own father and husband want nothing to do with her, their enemies will try and use her to get to them. We’ll need to keep her safe until we know what’s going on, and if someone attempts to get to her and use her in any way, they need to suit their needs.

When my sandwich is done, I put our soup in two large soup bowls, only filling Alex’s to a little less than half because I know she hasn’t really had an appetite. Still, she needs to eat to regain her strength. If not, I’ll have to bring in Doc and have him examine her to ensure something else isn’t wrong with her. Alex needs to be okay. If something happens to her, I’m not sure what I’ll do. She will take a large piece of me with her, and I’ll go to the ends of the Earth to avenge her death or any harm coming to her. That’s the only reason Troy is going through the justice system. We have more than enough information to sentence him to death. It’s enough to ensure any friends and allies we have in prison with him will torture and taunt him each and every single day of his life.

Finding a tray Rebel insisted I have when I started moving things into this house, I place our food on the tray along with bottles of water. Jameson just messaged me to let me know he’s on his way with my bag and Alex’s medicine. She’ll need it eventually. Especially her antibiotics. Twice a day, she’s supposed to take them to ensure she doesn’t get an infection in the wounds as they continue to heal. It’s strictly a preventative measure as she finishes healing. I will call Doc to examine her and look over the medication she’s been prescribed. I’ll have to do this soon before she takes her medicine again. The more I think about it, the more I truly don’t trust this doctor who was watching over her in the hospital.

“Alex, I got your food,” I say, walking into the bedroom to find her sitting up against the headboard with her eyes closed.

I really don’t want to wake Alex up, but she needs to eat. Her growling stomach is proof of this as her eyes slowly open until she looks at me. Alex’s eyes open wide as she sits up further against the headboard, and I walk to her side of the bed. Setting the tray down on the nightstand on her side of the bed, I set the plate on her lap while she takes the bowl from the tray and smiles up at me.

“This smells so good,” she tells me, her voice still filled with sleep.

“It’s pretty much all I had in the kitchen. If you make a list, a Prospect will pick it up and get us some groceries. Make sure you have the food you want on the list. I’m a pretty simple guy who likes most food as long as I get my meat and potatoes. Anythin’ you want, put on the list so we can get some food in here,” I tell her as I take my own food and sit down on the bed next to her.

“Okay. Maybe after I get some rest, I’ll be able to get a list together of groceries. There’s no need to send a Prospect after them when I can go myself,” she says, picking up her sandwich with one hand and dipping it into her soup.

“There’s one more thing we need to discuss before I head out for a while. I need you to tell me everythin’ you can about your father and family. We need as much information as possible to figure out our next step,” I tell her, knowing this is not a good subject she’ll want to discuss.

“Well, what do you want to know?”

“I need to know anythin’ you know about them. I’m goin’ to guess they don’t let women in on their business dealin’s. If you know anythin’ at all, all small details of your father’s schedule and anythin’ else that can help us figure out if he’s goin’ to come after you. It’s not goin’ to be long before he knows Troy is in jail. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t already know. Any small detail you can give me might help more than you think,” I tell her, eating my own food.

“Well, I did walk in on something Troy and my father were doing. I’m not sure of all the details, but they killed a man in the middle of the house I shared with Troy. They slit his throat, and he was already beaten based on the bruising covering his body. My father knew of the abuse Troy committed against me, and he was in the house before I was moved with Troy. I couldn’t see him very well, but his voice was loud and clear. He wasn’t too happy with Troy because he messed up a deal by beating me. They were trying to sell me off to the highest bidder.

“My father doesn’t keep a regular schedule unless it involves one of his mistresses. He sees them every single day, mainly at night once he’s done conducting business. They all live in the same damn apartment building not too far from the home he shares with my mother. Once every other week, he goes to his barber to get his hair cut, and once a month, he goes to the tailor for his suits. His business dealings range from extortion to murder. There are so many things he does I can’t even begin to think of it all. I fully believe he’ll try to get his hands on my money, but he can’t. Even in my death, my money will not go to him. I’ve made a Will to ensure it’s all given to various charities. I’m sorry I can’t be more help, Reaper,” she tells me, her voice becoming monotone as she speaks of her father.

“What about your mom?”

“My mother wouldn’t know anything if you paid her. She’s a doormat when it comes to my father. Anything he wants to do, she doesn’t put up any type of fight. He abuses her as much as Troy abused me. My father brings his mistresses into the house when my mother is home, she’s never once stood up for me from the time I was a baby, and she wouldn’t speak out against my father in any way. She lives in a world she’s created in her mind and won’t do anything unless my father allows her to do so,” she tells me, a lone tear escaping and rolling slowly down her cheek.

“Okay, darlin’. I won’t ask anythin’ else. Instead, I’ll see what my guys can dig up on your family,” I assure her, reaching out and brushing the tear from her face. “I don’t want you sheddin’ a single tear for your family who hasn’t done anythin’ to help you, love you, or support you when they should have. Finish eatin’ your lunch, and I’ll be back soon. I’m gonna have Doc come check on you when I get back. I want him to look over your medicine and you.”

“Okay. I think I’m going to try and eat a little more before taking a nap.”

Opening the door, I take in my bag and a small bag from the pharmacy sitting just on the side of the door. Jameson wouldn’t knock or let himself in my home because it would mean disturbing me. I honestly don’t care if he had knocked. Still, it’s a thing of respect for the young Prospect, and I like he shows it more than most. Again, I feel it has more to do with his upbringing in a club, even if it’s not a one percent club. Respect, hard work, and loyalty have been instilled in him as his two dads and mom raised him into the man he is today.

Setting the bag just inside the door, I close it behind me and make my way to my bike. It’s sitting just in front of the house. Straddling it, I start the engine but don’t linger because I want Alex to rest. Pulling onto the small road, I make my way up to the clubhouse. Parking in my spot in front of the clubhouse, I notice all of the members were here as I requested earlier. Shutting off my bike, I make my way inside the common room. Most of the guys are sitting around on the couches and different tables, with a few at the bar flirting and talking to Rebel.

“Church,” I call out, not stopping or looking at anyone as I make my way inside our meeting room after unlocking the door.

Without leaving my phone with a Prospect, I walk inside and take my seat at the head of our large table. The rest of the guys file in immediately. As soon as Trax’s ass is in his seat, I slam the gavel on the table in front of me.

“I don’t want to be here long; Alex is at the house unattended because I don’t want to overwhelm her with a Prospect she doesn’t know watchin’ over her. I’ve got my phone on me in case she needs somethin’,” I start our meeting. “What I need to know is where her father is right now and who the fuck this Doctor Catalina is and why she seems to have some sort of grudge against Alex. Hawk, do your thing and find out what you can. There was somethin’ off about that hospital my woman was in, and we need to figure it out. I also want to know everythin’ there is on Alex’s family. She didn’t give me much information.”

“What did she tell you?” Titan asks me, leaning back in his chair.

“Her father has several mistresses he visits on a nightly basis. They all live in the same apartment buildin’ not far from the house he shares with his wife. Every other week he goes to get his hair cut by a barber. Once a month, he goes to get new suits at his tailor. There really is nothin’ else she could give me, even less on her mother. Apparently, she doesn’t ever stick up for herself and simply takes what her father gives her, lets him beat on her, and never once goes against him. Even when he brings his mistresses into their home.

“Alex told me she remembers hearin’ her father at the house she shared with Troy when she was chained to the bed. He’s pissed as fuck Troy lost a deal that included sellin’ Alex off. I fully believe these men have somethin’ to do with the doctor at the hospital. They wanted to keep her there so her father or Troy could get their hands on her. The only other thing she told me is she witnessed her father and Troy killin’ a man in the middle of the house she shared with Troy. He was beaten before they killed him. Alex doesn’t even know why they killed the man; she only knows what she saw. Like us, the only similarity we share, women aren’t privy to their business dealings. What happened here, Eagle?”

“Nothin’. The run is still scheduled for a few days from now. I’ll take this one so you can remain here with Alex. Are you claimin’ her?” Eagle answers me.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance